Commitment To Apply Green Energy, 146 Pertamina International Shipping Ships Use Biodiesel
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) Yoki Firnandi revealed that Pertamina is fully committed to using green energy. It is known that currently as many as 146 PIS small ships have used biodiesel as fuel.
"PIS has implemented the use of biodiesel, as many as 146 ships that we operate, both owned and chartered vessels, use biodiesel as the main engine source, and there are also those that use biodiesel as an additional engine source or auxiliary engine," said Yoki, quoted on Thursday, July 20.
Yoki added that another action that is a real step for PIS is the purchase of the VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier) Amaryllis ship this year, where Pertamina Gas Amaryllis is one of the largest gas carriers in the world, which is also the first ship powered by LPG dual fuel in Pertamina and Indonesia.
"PIS acquired Pertamina Gas Amaryllis, the ship has the potential to reduce PIS emissions by 12 thousand tons, equivalent to CO2 per year," he explained.
Yoki explained that the use of environmentally friendly and biodiesel fuels in the form of B35 on PIS ships is part of the two main initiatives of PIS in supporting NZE 2060 Indonesia. Where the first initiative is PIS' involvement in the logistics and renewable energy transportation business or green business building which has medium and long term targets, and the next initiative is efforts to reduce emissions from ship operations and other businesses today.
The most cost-effective increase in ship operation efficiency in reducing carbon in the shipping industry is to implement increased operating efficiency, such as continuous cleaning of the hull, installing energy saving devices, and regulating ship speeds at optimum/economic speeds. continued Yoki.
Pertamina's VP of Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso explained that Pertamina's efforts to support the NZE 2060 target were not only carried out in the upstream and downstream sectors of the company's oil and gas (oil and gas) business, but also carried out on the midstream side or distribution, one of which was done by PIS.
Pertamina's subholding continues to play an active role in energy transition efforts and achieves the NZE target. Specifically for PIS, this shows that even in the logistics and oil and gas transportation sectors, Pertamina remains focused on building green business, said Fadjar.