Ministry Of Industry Achieves Fair Opinion Without Exceptions 15 Times In A Row

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has again won an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) for the 15th time from the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK-RI) on the 2022 Financial Statements. The WTP opinion has been obtained by the Ministry of Industry since 2008.

"The Ministry of Industry expresses its gratitude to BPK for the assessment and opinion given for the 2022 financial report. I also congratulate all of us on achieving this WTP opinion. Hopefully this achievement can be an encouragement for us to perform even better," said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Monday, July 17.

In 2022, the Ministry of Industry will manage a budget of IDR 2.634 trillion with the realization reaching IDR 2.585 trillion or 98.13 percent of the budget ceiling.

"Meanwhile, in the ongoing 2023 fiscal year (TA), the Ministry of Industry manages a budget of IDR 4.622 trillion, an increase of quite significantly from the previous year," said Agus.

According to Agus, the increase in budget allocation in 2023 is one of the challenges in maintaining WTP opinion this year.

"For this reason, we are trying to maintain WTP opinions in the following years through improving the quality of APBN management within the Ministry of Industry," he said.

These efforts were taken through steps such as completing internal regulations related to financial management and implementation of the State Budget, increasing awareness of all organizational members regarding the importance of good governance, optimizing the use of information systems, improving the internal control system, and increasing the role of APIP both in planning, implementing activities, and reporting.

On the same occasion, BPK-RI Second Member Daniel Lumban Tobing said the BPK gave an opinion on the reasonableness of the Financial Statements based on the suitability of the Financial Statements with Government Accounting Standards, the adequacy of disclosure of financial information in Financial Reports, compliance with Legislation Regulations, and the effectiveness of the Internal Control System.

"We also hope that the Minister of Industry and his staff will seek to resolve follow-up recommendations for the BPK examination," he added.