LaNyalla And Try Sutrisno Encourage Indonesia's State System Improvement

The day after the DPD RI Plenary Session decided to improve the state system which refers to the system of formulation of the nation's founders, DPD RI Chairman AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti in particular met the 6th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, General TNI (Ret.) Try Sutrisno at his residence, Saturday 15 July.
LaNyalla said that the DPD RI Plenary Session on Friday, July 14, 2023 stated (its cap):
By realizing the existence of Academic Studies and Studies which states that the Constitutional Amendments from 1999 to 2002, have resulted in a Constitution that has left Pancasila as the Highest Legal Norm. For this reason, as an obligation to citizenship and state obligations to always uphold Pancasila values, the DPD RI is of the view to restore Pancasila as the Highest Legal Norm of the Constitution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, by returning to the State System in Accordance with the National Founder's Formula, as stated in the 1945 Constitution dated August 18, 1945, which must then be carried out a refinement and Strengthening through the Constitutional Addendum Technique. The material of the Addendum will be prepared more deeply, thus becoming a state proposal of the DPD RI, for the sake of the sovereignty of the people whose rights and acceleration of the realization of the ideals and the purpose of the birth of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia.
"I also conveyed to Pak Try that I have also conveyed this material directly to President Joko Widodo, on Monday 10 July 2023 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta," added LaNyalla.
Try Sutrisno welcomed the serious efforts made by the DPD RI as an obligation to fight for Pancasila as the highest norm of the Constitution. Because, the Constitution as a result of the Amendment, its contents are no longer coherent with Pancasila.
"That has been studied academically and scientifically by Professor Kaelan and Professor Sofyan Effendi, that he has deviated far from Pancasila. Do we want to continue? How long? We have to return Pancasila to the Constitution. There is no dead end. There must be a way, as long as we are aware and agree," explained the former ABRI commander.
Try added that the Constitutional Commission, which was formed by the MPR in 2003, had already worked and provided evaluations and recommendations to the MPR, that the 1999 to 2002 amendments were deviant. Both in terms of procedures, materials and their content made this nation leave Pancasila.
"That can be asked directly to one of its members, Mr. Admiral TNI (Ret.) Ishak Latuconsina, who is a witness to history, and has stated that at that time what happened was not an amendment, but a constitutional replacement," he said.
The 1935-born general also mentioned the role of Jacob Tobing, who at that time was actively involved in the ad-hoc committee for constitutional changes who had just won a doctorate in the Netherlands, and wrote his dissertation saying that the 1945 Constitution was a living constitution.
"If the 1945 Constitution has a living constitution, but now it leaves Pancasila as the highest legal norm, it's not called life, it's called life and death, I don't want to. His statement as an educated person has violated intellectual ethics and political ethics," he said.
At the end of the meeting, Try Sutrisno again advised LaNyalla, to invite all components of the nation, especially the President and the Chairs of the Party to act as a legacy for the nation and state, by returning Pancasila to the Constitution of this country.
'Stay in this land, its eternal heritage, Pancasila. Before we all die. Because we have to be honest, in the spirit of nationalism and our patriotism, that the product of the 2002 Constitution is wrong. If it is wrong, it must be corrected, not continued," he said.
As is known, on May 28, 2022, Try Sutrisno publicly stated that he would give a will to the Chairman of the DPD RI, LaNyalla, to conduct a Review of the Constitution as a result of the 1999-2002 Amendment, in order to save the nation and state.
"I am 87 years old, I will die soon, I will leave a will to you, because I know your grandfather, Mr Mattalitti are fighters. When the Dutch flag was torn in Surabaya, I was still a child, looking at your grandfather's shop in Tunjungan. Please save this nation and country from future destruction," he said at the time.
LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti was present at Try Sutrisno's residence accompanied by the Special Staff of the Chairman of the DPD RI Sefdin Syaifudin and the Chief Staff of the DPD RI Baso Juherman. Seen accompanying Try Sutrisno, the National Presidium Coordinator of the Bumiputra Consultative Assembly, Dr Zulkifli Eko Mei.