Illegal Fuel Warehouse In Batumarta OKU South Sumatra Closed By Joint Team
BATURAJA - Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) officers assisted by the Special Investigation Team of the Ogan Komering Ulu Police (OKU), South Sumatra closed an illegal fuel oil (BBM) warehouse in Batumarta, Sinar Peninjauan District because it disturbed the surrounding community.
"The closure of this oil warehouse is because the surrounding community is worried about hoarding fuel in the surrounding area," said Head of OKU Satpol PP Firmansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 13.
The closure was carried out after reports from the public were worried about the existence of the illegal oil warehouse.
"Armed with information from the residents, an investigation was carried out and after it was believed to be true, we immediately went to the warehouse to be closed," said Firmansyah.
The name of the owner of the building and the land where the illegal oil warehouse was built is Subwarni, but the address of her house is still being investigated.
According to Firmansyah, his party confiscated evidence in the form of two tubes for extracting oil in the warehouse.
"The condition of the warehouse when we visited was empty and left only the aroma of fuel. We predict that the TKP has been neglected for more than a month," he said.
For temporary action, he continued, his party sealed the building to ensure that there were no fuel hoarding activities in the warehouse.
"Currently we are still looking for the address of the warehouse owner for further processing," he said.