Ganjar Pranowo Encourages Skin Painting Craftsmen In Sukoharjo To Break Export Market After Pandemic

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, is ready to facilitate the painting of goats from the Sungging Tatah Group in Sonorejo Village, Sukoharjo. Ganjar is committed to reopening the export market which was stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The visit aims to support craftsmen and take advantage of the potential of the existing creative economy.

During his visit on Tuesday, July 11, Ganjar Pranowo emphasized how many residents have the expertise to make various products from goat skin, such as wayang, painting, and calligraphy. The Tatah Sungging group has managed to show off its handicrafts to Dubai, and goat skin painting products are the most popular in the exhibition.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, handicrafts from the Sungging Tatah Group had been exported to Malaysia, Turkey, and Iran. However, due to the pandemic, exports have stalled and craftsmen have experienced a decline in demand. Governor Ganjar is trying to push for the reopening of export markets to these countries by building communication and providing the necessary resources.

Ganjar Pranowo sees the potential of craftsmen in producing quality products and in accordance with market standards. He also provided business capital assistance to members of the Sungging Tatah Group, including Nuryadi, a goat skin painting craftsman who has disabilities.

Mulyono, Chairman of the Sungging Tatah Group, explained that the group had been established since 2001 and had 30 members. However, the pandemic has closed the taps for exports of their products and declining demand.

Mulyono hopes that the government can provide facilities in the form of training and marketing to support craftsmen in overcoming existing problems.