ART Case Brings Baby's Body To Hospital, Police Say Not Abortion Results
JAKARTA - GM (19) the household assistant (ART) of the perpetrator who brought the dead baby to Budi Kemuliaan Hospital was finally released by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim. GM was released because no criminal element was found related to abortion was found.
Previously, GM had undergone an examination at the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim.
"GM is not detained but is obliged to report to the Central Jakarta Metro Police," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Hady Saputra Siagian when confirmed, Sunday, July 9.
Dari hasil pemeriksaan penyidik, ternyata GM sempat mengenai obat pereda sakit kelang sebelum melahirkan darah dagingnya yang akhirnya meninggal itu.
"GM has ulcers, then he eats one type of stomach pain," he said.
Furthermore, AKBP Hady said, after taking the drug, GM contracted to give birth to the child in a boarding house in the Gambir area. The child who died was not the result of a forbidden relationship.
"The child was the result of her sir's husband. GM has divorced from her husband and she lives in her own boarding house," he said.
AKBP Hady said that when his party came to the location, his place of residence had baby equipment. Such as baby soap equipment, powder and other furniture.
"GM is not detained, we have not seen the direction of the Abortion because we have not found the element that way. And GM also has one child," he said.
Previously, it was reported that GM (19), a household assistant, was forced to deal with the police because he brought a dead baby to Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 3.
Finding a suspicious woman, the hospital immediately reported the incident to the Gambir Police Headquarters.
Meanwhile, according to the perpetrator's confession, GM's initials to the hospital, he admitted that he was just entrusted to a baby in a state of death by a friend.
However, after being investigated and examined by the hospital, it was found that GM had given birth. The hospital then reported the case to the Gambir Metro Police.
After receiving a report from the hospital, members of the Gambir Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit followed up checking at the scene at a boarding house, Jalan Sadar 2, North Petojo Village, Gambir District.
After the initial inspection, it was true that it was found that there was evidence of anti-pain drugs from the perpetrator's boarding room. Even in the bathroom, evidence was found of bed sheets and blood-stained clothes that were being soaked.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Gambir Metro Police, Kompol Andhika Aris Prasetya, confirmed the incident. His party conducted an initial interrogation of the perpetrators after receiving a report from the hospital.
"It's true, we immediately checked the boarding house in the North Petojo area. However, the case was handled by the Central Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit," said Commissioner Andhika when confirmed by VOI, Friday, July 7.