PDI Perjuangan Immediately Calls Effendi Simbolon After His Statement Supports Prabowo

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said the party's honor field immediately summoned Effendi Simbolon to explain his personal statement which gave a signal supporting Prabowo Subianto in the National Working Meeting of Punguan Simbolon Dohot Boruna Indonesia (PSBI) 2023. Hasto emphasized that all PDI-P cadres must be in one direction in favor of the presidential candidate (readpres) from the PDIP, namely Ganjar Pranowo. "The entire PDI-P cadre, after April 21, when the decision has been taken by the General Chairperson of the Megawati Soekarnoputri Party, all must be in one direction, supporting Pak Ganjar Pranowo," said Hasto during a press conference at the Aspiration House of Volunteers, Jakarta, Saturday, July 8. According to him, party cadre discipline is an absolute attitude so that if there are cadres whose attitudes are not in accordance with the direction of the party, they will face the PDI-P DPP honorary field. He said that the PDI-P Honorary Council automatically and systemically carries out its duties in summoning and examining party cadres who are not disciplined in their behavior. "Because PDI-Perjuang is an ideological party based on Pancasila and the decision has been taken so that it is entirely mandatory," said Hasto Kristiyanto.Effendi Simbolon in a national working meeting event of the association of Batak-marga Simbolon people (PSBI), the organization he led since 2007, assessing General Chair Gerindra Prabowo Subianto as the figure who deserves to lead Indonesia in the future to replace Indonesian President Joko Widodo. I once said I have seen that there is now Prabowo-Prabowo-Prabowo who is fighting. So, if there are 3, yes, Prabowo's class is so that we are indeed able to compete in the international world, which is able to knit the harmony from Aceh to Papua,'s Effendi Simbolon on the sidelines of the PSBI Rakernas event in Jakarta, Friday 7 July. He continued his personal assessment of Prabowo Subianto,

“Saya secara jujur berharap Indonesia dinahkodai oleh pemimpin yang punya kehandalan, otherwise kita menjadi porak-poranda. Negara, yang tadi disampaikan Pak Prabowo, begitu besarnya aset bangsa, aset negara, aktiva negara, tetapi kita kemudian tidak mampu mengoptimalkan itu menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat. "Tadi saya kira kita bisa membacalah, secara jujur, secara objektif, saya melihat itu ada di Pak Prabowo,” kata Effendi.Walaupun demikian, Effendi menegaskan posisinya sebagai kader PDI Perjuangan tetap mendukung Ganjar Pranowo sebagai bakal calon presiden yang diusung oleh PDIP.“Ya saya kader partai, tetapi sekaligus saya punya tanggung jawab moral, punya tanggung jawab politik,” kata dia.Ganjar Pranowo, yang saat ini masih aktif sebagai Gubernur Jawa Tengah, diumumkan secara resmi sebagai calon presiden dari PDIP pada 21 April 2023. Ketua Umum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri mengumumkan itu secara langsung pada Rapat DPP Partai Ke-140 Diperluas Tiga Pilar dengan agenda konsolidasi internal dan silaturahmi Idul Fitri 1444 H di Istana Batu Tulis, Bogor, Jawa Barat.