The National Police Chief Is Regarding The Alleged Odd Transaction Of Rp300 Billion AKBP Tri Suhartanto: In The Propam Examination
The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo spoke about AKBP Tri Suhartanto allegedly carrying out an odd transaction worth IDR 300 billion. Propam is said to be investigating this.
"Yes, Propam is conducting an investigation," said Sigit in Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Wednesday, July 5.
If later it is proven that there is a violation, then, AKBP Tri Suhartanto will be processed according to the rules.
So far, the examination process to prove the alleged existence of odd transactions is still being carried out.
"Of course, if there is a violation, of course we will process it. It is currently under investigation," said Sigit.
The alleged suspicious transaction of AKBP Tri Suhartanto was first revealed by Novel Baswedan. At that time, it was said that there was a suspicious transaction carried out by a former anti-corruption commission employee.
"The transaction value is IDR 300 billion, and I suspect more, some say it is almost IDR 1 trillion even," Novel said in a YouTube show quoted on Monday, July 3.
The unnamed employee worked in the era of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri, said Novel. The former employee used to work as an investigator but had been returned to the Police.
Meanwhile, AKBP Tri Suhartanto served at the KPK. He served as Head of the Investigative Task Force.