Riau Islands Governor: Batam-Bintan Bridge Work In Depth Survey Stage

Governor of Riau Islands Province (Kepri) Ansar Ahmad said that currently the process of building the Batam-Bintan (Babin) bridge has reached the stage of land investigation (depth survey) for the physical construction of the bridge.

Currently, the process of working on the Batam- Bintan (Babin) bridge has reached the Soil Investigation stage.

"For the Babin bridge to date, the process is at the depth survey level," said Ansar in Batam, Riau Islands, Friday (30/6). The process is already at the depth survey stage," he said in Batam, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

In addition to conducting depth surveys, an economic survey of the Babin bridge was also carried out. Later this project will be offered to investors to be interested in investing in the construction of this Babin bridge

Ansar explained that the initial plan to build a bridge connecting Batam Island and Bintan Island will start from Batam-Tanjung Sauh.

The development will be financed using the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Meanwhile, funding for further development from Tanjung Sauh to Bintan Island will be pursued in collaboration with SOEs and foreign investors.

Gubernavistis persiapan pembangunan akan selesai pada Desember 2023. Hingga awal tahun 2024 mendatang, pengerjaan sudah mulai dilaksanakan.

"We hope that this project can be included in strategic projects, so that the acceleration of development gets priority from the center. Because if this infrastructure is built, economic growth will automatically be affected. This is what we are pursuing," he said.

Previously, the central government funded the investigation of the land soil investigation (depth survey) of the Batam-Bintan (Babin) bridge which was built in Riau Islands Province with a value of IDR 50 billion. The building in Riau Islands Province amounted to IDR 50 billion.

The Riau Islands Governor said that there will be 20 locations to be surveyed before the construction of the bridge. Ahmad said that later there will be 20 locations where a depth survey will be carried out before the construction of the bridge.

"Currently we are still preparing 20 land soil investigation locations and it will take about 10 to 11 months, will be funded by the central government amounting to Rp 50 billion. Initially it was charged to us, but because we didn't have money, the central government finally financed it," said Ansar.

After the depth survey is complete, the next stage is the physical construction of the bridge can begin.