The Figure Of NU Is Cultural, Khofifah Is Considered Potential To Be A Vice Presidential Candidate

BENGKULU - A political expert and academic at Bengkulu University, Dr. Panji Suminar, assessed that the only potential vice presidential candidate from women today is the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"I see that until now the dynamics are only Khofifah, except that PDIP has decided to pair Ganjar Pranowo with Puan Maharani," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

According to Panji, Khofifah has good strength, either paired with Ganjar, Prabowo or Anies Baswedan. According to him, referring to the results of the East Java Pilkada, it has shown Khofifah's strength in East Java.

"In addition, Khofifah is also a cultural NU figure, not a structural NU, she is close to NU residents. If she couples with Ganjar, the pair can secure the votes of Central Java and East Java, where the number of voters in the 2 provinces has been able to reach the presidential election victory," he said.

Likewise, if Prabowo collaborates with Khofifah, Prabowo has a mass base in West Java and outside Java, and Khofifah has a basis for NU and East Java residents. The pair certainly has the potential to reap a large number of votes in the 2024 General Election.

"With Anies too, Anies has a mass in West Java, Jakarta, parts of Banten, and Khofifah, East Java, even more fitting for Anies to be paired with Khofifah if he wants to win the presidential election. The only problem is now, whether Khofifah wants to be paired or not," he said again.

However, Panji said anything could happen in the political arena and until the registration stage it was still long. Until now, the three presidential candidates, according to him, are still equally strong about their electability.

"The one who determines is the candidate for vice president who will be paired, if Ganjar, I still tend to think PDIP will waive its choice to Nasaruddin Umar. It's just the composition of Prabowo and Anies' vice presidential candidates," he said.