6 Types Of Food That Can Cause Piles Of Fat In The Stomach

Stomach fat can pose a health risk in the form of serious complications, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and liver and kidney problems, according to research. In addition to genetics, eating habits can also affect the storage of fat in the body area.

The types of food you choose, portions, and times can all play a role in shaping body fat. However, in particular, there are certain foods that are faster because belly fat accumulates in the body. What are these foods? The following list summarizes the VOI page, Monday, June 26.

Variety of types of cakes that are often found in the market are often packaged in excess sugar and have a high amount of calories.acteristics, colissants, and fast food bread are also a source of trans fat, other inflammatory nutrients that can cause belly fat. According to research, trans fats have been shown to increase inflammation and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

If you want to eat cake, try making it yourself with good quality oil, such as olive oil and limiting ready-to-eat food available on the market.

White bread is not known as a nutrient-intensive diet. The fiber content on white bread is very small. Fibers function to increase saturation and stabilize hunger, which can produce a better choice of food and the right energy intake.

In addition, fiber intake is associated with reducing belly fats. Processed carbohydrates, including white bread, contracts, chips, and other general snacks are low in fiber content.

This popular food can cause fat to accumulate in the stomach. In one package contains a lot of sugar. Sugar not only causes inflammation and belly fat, but also can interfere with the microbiome in the intestines.

Research shows that bacterial imbalance in the intestines can increase the risk of obesity, CVD, intestinal disorders, and also increase weight. Microbiota imbalance can cause higher visceral fats. There are a lot of low grains of sugar available, so choose fragrances with sugar content of less than five grams per serving.

One can of soda contains about 40 grams of additional sugar. This is an amount that exceeds the daily recommendations of the American Heart Association. Research shows that excess sugar consumption can increase body inflammation and cause insulin resistance, as well as chronic inflammation.

Soda does not contain calories and has the potential to cause weight gain and can cause a buildup of fat in the liver. Apart from soda, other sweet drinks such as juice, energy drinks, coffee, and sweet tea can also be a cause for fat in the stomach.

Popcorns that are dimicrowave are one of the foods that can cause belly fat. Although it contains fiber, unfortunately popcorn is often accompanied by sodium and trans fats. Trans fat can cause inflammation and belly fat, excessive sodium intake can also lead to increased body fat.

Foods that cause fat in the last stomach are chips. This salty and crunchy snack can cause inflammation and belly fat because of its sodium content. Salt can cause inflammation and adipositivity, and trans fats that are often found in chips can do the same.

If you find it difficult to avoid this snack, choose a lower type of chip salted and treated with non-hydrogenated oil. In addition, if you look at "hydrogenated oil" or "partially hydrogenated oil" in the list of ingredients, the chips certainly contain trans fats.