Will Open Up, Johnny G Plate Is Ready To Become A Justice Collaborator In The BTS Kominfo Case
JAKARTA - Johnny G. Plate is willing to become a justice collaborator in the case of alleged corruption in the provision of 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure and supporting infrastructure for BAKTI, Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) for 2020-2022. "Pak Johnny is in principle ready to become a justice collaborator. Granted or not, it is the panel of judges who will grant it. The justice collaborator requirements must be met first," he said. Johnny G. Plate's lawyer, Achmad Cholidin, was quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.Colidin said that since the beginning of the investigation process, his client wanted the case to be disclosed as widely as possible by all competent parties, who were aware of the occurrence of criminal acts as suspected to him, namely Article 2 and Article 3 of Law (UU) RI Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. "If there are news, parties are involved "This will, yes, Mr. Johnny himself is willing to reveal it later in the trial. God willing, it will be ready," he explained. However, added Cholidin, Johnny G. Plate has not disclosed the names involved in the investigation report (BAP) of the case. According to him, in the new BAP it was stated that the person who knew more about the BTS 4G project was Anang Achmad Latif (AAL) as the President Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (Bakti) Kominfo. "Anang as the Director of Bakti Kominfo dan kuasa pengguna anggaran. Kami belum lihat BAP Anang kan, nanti susu proses persidangan kami akan lihat. Nanti siapa yang akan disebut oleh Pak Johnny," jelas Cholidin.Dalam perkara tersebut, Cholidin memperkirakan jangan sampai Johnny G. Plate dizalimi dan ada pihak yang just medanari-dan di atas kesesaan kliennya. Makanya, kliennya bersedia untuk membuka perkara kasus korupsi ini supaya terungkap secara jelas, kami akan melihat, kami buka sebar-widenya, "It is clear that this matter is sitting, who is enjoying it, who is doing it, who is using state money and so on. We will see that," he said. According to Cholidin, Johnny G. Plate's job while serving as the Minister of Communication and Information, in the corruption case, was to make an introductory letter addressed to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and the head of Bappenas and forwarded to the Budget Agency (Banggar). So, according to him, Bakti Kominfo, who technically knows, starting from the process planning and budget. "Those who know technically are Bakti under the responsibility of the power of budget user. If you look at conditions like this according to the investigation process, then in our opinion, Mr. Johnny is the person who has been withdrawn as the perpetrator," he said. Chalidin also criticized the investigating team of prosecutors who did not touch internal officials of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in the case of alleged corruption of the BTS 4G Bakti Kominfo project for 2020-2022. According to him, the suspect in the case is an average of vendors.
Thus, Cholidin said that Johnny G. Plate when he was Minister of Communication and Information did not know the technical things made by BLU Bakti as the power user of the budget. Because, his client only carried out President Joko Widodo's direction so that one village would get a 4G BTS tower. "The direction of the Minister (Johnny G. Plate) is only to immediately build according to what has been ordered, it is discussed by the President (Jokowi) on average to build BTS-BTS, assuming that one village is one tower," he said.