Appearing With New Hair At Concert 25 Years Of Album Seven, Kaka Slank: I'm Happy

JAKARTA - The vocalist of the music group Slank, Kaka, appeared with a new hairstyle. This was shown during the celebration concert of the 25th anniversary of the album Seven.

Kaka said she was grateful that she was now more confident because her hair had grown and was heavy again. "Wow, thank God I'm happy, it continues to be like it used to be," said the 49-year-old vocalist quoting Antara.

Previously, Kaka, who is known as a long-haired vocalist, realized that there was a change in her hair as she got older.

"In the past five years, I started to like to laugh, I really felt the change. I realized this hair line was backing down. Something had changed from my face," said Kaka.

He finally went to Farmanina Aesthetic & Hair Clinic to implant 5,000 strands of hair taken from the hair of the back of the head. He is handled directly by the clinic owner, namely Dr. Farmanina, M.Bio (AAM) and other experts.

The father of three children periodically undergoes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy in order to regain the density, coverage, and health of hair and scalp.

Sekarang, rambut di bagian kepala yang digiplan itu sudah panjang. Untuk merawat rambutnya itu, Kaka mengatakan dirinya menggunakan gel rambut.

"I just bought a hair gel, because the transplant hair is already long, it has fallen in shape. So I need a gel to fill in, to make it easier to regulate," said Kaka.

Having a much different hair condition compared to when he had not had a transplant, Kaka honestly admitted that she had many questions about why her hair could thrive again.

"Every time I see someone, I ask me about hair transplants or hair transplants, right. Yes, I said try to go to Farmanina. Ask directly or check on the website. That means, sometimes if we consult, it's not necessarily transplanted, maybe it's also given treatment," he explained.