President Jokowi Issues PP 26 Of 2023 Regarding Management Of Sedimentation Results At Sea, The Minister Of KKP Gives An Explanation
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentary Results at Sea, on May 15, 2023.
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) explained the background for the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) number 26 of 2023.
As is known, in the government regulation, it is said that the results of sedimentation in the sea can be used in the form of sea sand and/or other sediment materials in the form of mud.
Minister of KKP Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said the regulation provides legal certainty for the use of sand from sedimentation at sea. He said, the need for sea sand for reclamation in the country is quite large.
"If we keep this a secret, it is not regulated properly, it could be that the islands are taken for reclamation or sediment at sea and even taken, as a result, this environmental damage that we guard and face, is why PP is published," Trenggono said at a press conference at the KKP Building, Wednesday, May 31.
According to him, the material suitable for reclamation is sea sand. However, the use of sea sand should not be done carelessly either. However, it must be regulated starting from planning, taking, to using marine sand so as not to damage marine ecology.
"Sedimentation can be used, but there are conditions in the PP mentioned, first formed a study team consisting of ESDM, KLHK, KKP, even NGOs or green peace. I will ask all of them to give opinions in the regulations that are being prepared," said Trenggono.
Likewise, if the results of the study do not allow it, later the sea sand in a water should not be taken. "That's why there are these rules," he concluded.
The following is the sound of Article 9 of PP number 26 of 2023:
Article 9
(1) The results of sedimentation in the Sea that can be utilized are:
a. sea sand; and/or
b. other sediment material in the form of mud.
(2) Utilization of sedimentation results in the Sea in the form of sea sand as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a is used for:
a. domestic reclamation;
b. government infrastructure development;
c. infrastructure development by Business Actors; and/or
d. exports as long as domestic needs are met and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
(3) Utilization of sedimentation results in the Sea in the form of mud as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b can be used for the rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems.
(4) Rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems as referred to in paragraph (3) is carried out at the location based on the planning document as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (3)
(5) Rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems as referred to in paragraph (4) is the obligation of business actors.