Jokowi: The Government Replaces, The Struggle For Fair And Equal Development Cannot Stop

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said Indonesia's struggle to achieve fair and equitable development must not stop. Although, he continued, the government changed.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi when giving a mandate at the Commemoration Ceremony of the Birthday of Pancasila at Monas Square, Jakarta.

"Currently we are still struggling to bring fair and equitable development. This requires sustainability and sustainability. Personnel in the government can change but the struggle must not stop," said President Jokowi quoting Antara.

In his remarks, Jokowi highlighted that Indonesia is one of the few countries that has succeeded in maintaining economic stability, social and political stability, controlled inflation, and growing investment and jobs have increased amid the crisis that has hit the world.

According to the President, this achievement is a contribution of all the nation's children and thanks to the unity, hard work and mutual cooperation that makes the Indonesian nation successful in facing challenges and is trusted by the world.

"All of that is the foundation of the Pancasila ideology inherited by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Engineer Soekarno," said the President.

Pancasila, said the President, is an ideology that we must uphold to strengthen the progress of the nation.

In addition to realizing fair and equitable development, the President also wants to continue equitable distribution of justice and welfare through structural reforms, improving the quality of human resources, downstreaming industries and the development of IKN Nusantara.

The President wants the wealth of this country to be of maximum benefit to the welfare of the people.

"We want people outside Java to also feel the significant benefits of existing development," he said.