West Bangka Police Seize 2 Illegal Mining Pontons In Mentok

The West Bangka Police Unit, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, confiscated two units of production suction pontoons commonly used as lead ore illegal mining tools that are suspected of operating in the waters of Mentok District."We confiscated the two units of pontoon smoke from illegal mining production on Tembelok Beach and Keranggan because they were suspected of being used to carry out illegal mining at that location," said Head of West Bangka Police Satpolair Iptu Sugiyanto in Mentok, Antara, Wednesday, May 31.The two pontoon units were confiscated when the West Bangka Police Polairud personnel carried out patrol activities in the waters. When the two pontoons were confiscated, they were not carrying out mining activities and no owners or workers from the pontoon were found."But we found work equipment, such as fuel oil and iron inside the pontoon, it is possible that they are just preparing to carry out tin ore mining activities," he said.He said the two pontoon units in the waters were suspected of carrying out mining activities secretly.The two pontoon units were then taken to the West Bangka Police Polair Unit Post for further investigation and investigation.Joint patrols in the waters of Tembelok and Keranggan are still being carried out to ensure that in these waters there will be no more illegal tin ore mining activities. If illegal mining is still found, strict action will be taken in accordance with applicable regulations.He appealed to residents around the location not to be easily influenced by incorrect issues related to illegal mining on Tembelok Beach and Keranggan because the location was not a mining area."We also urge residents not to be tempted by the lure of some money offered so that miners can enter and carry out mining in the area," he said.