The Constitutional Court Is Looking For People In The Whisperer Of The Former Deputy Minister Of SBY Denny Indrayana

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the Constitutional Court (MK) would look for people suspected of leaking information about the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) related to the judicial review of the legislative election system.

"The Constitutional Court itself has taken action inside. It was told to me 'Sir, we will find out who the insider spoke to Pak Denny (Indrayana)'," Mahfud MD said in the presidential palace of Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 29.

Previously, former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Denny Indrayana claimed to have received information about the Constitutional Court regarding the legislative election system which will return to a closed proportional system or party voting.

"Indeed (the alleged leak) is eligible for response by the police because it is a secret leak. (The Constitutional Court's decision) cannot be disclosed to the public, especially since the Constitutional Court itself has not yet met, how come the information is 6 to 3?" said Mahfud.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court said that the Constitutional Court would only accept conclusions from each litigant on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

"After that, the trial is scheduled to draw conclusions so that if it is said that there is information A1. Info A1 is usually the most trusted intelligence, from whom the A1 information is from? The Constitutional Court itself has damaged credibility if there are people who tell something, let alone not be true, what is true cannot be told," added Mahfud.

Mahfud also encouraged the National Police to investigate the alleged leak.

"When I was with Pak Sigit (Kapolri) and the commander in chief, I was asked, 'Sir, people want to report about the secret leak, how do you want to report it, sir?' The National Police Chief saw 'We studied first if there was a report like what'," said Mahfud.

On Sunday (28/5), Denny Indrayana through his Twitter account @dennyindranaya said "This morning I received important information. The Constitutional Court will decide that the legislative election will return to a closed proportional system, again choosing the party's image mark."

In his tweet, Denny also mentioned the source in the Constitutional Court, but Denny confirmed that the source was not a constitutional judge.

From the information he received, Denny Indrayana said that the composition of the Constitutional Court judges who would decide the lawsuit was 6:3. This means that 6 judges of the Constitutional Court stated that they would decide that the election would return to a closed proportion. While the other 3 judges remain open. So Denny said that Indonesia would return to the New Order election system: authoritarian and corrupt.

The Constitutional Court received a request for judicial review of Article 168 paragraph (2) of Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning elections related to an open proportional system registered with case registration number 114/PUU-XX/2022 on November 14, 2022.

The six applicants are Demas Brian Wicaksono (Pemohon I), Yuwono Pintadi (Pemohon II), Fahrurrozi (Pemohon III), Ibnu Rachman Jaya (Permohon IV), Riyanto (Pemohon V), and Nono Marijono (Pemohon VI).

Eight of the nine political party factions in the DPR RI also stated that they rejected the closed proportional electoral system, namely the Golkar, Gerindra, Democrat, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP and PKS factions. Only one faction wants a closed proportional election system, namely the PDI Perjuangan.