Enjoy Relaxing Weekends In Solo, Here Are A Number Of Fun Activities For Puan Maharani With Gibran

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives and Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP, Puan Maharani, spent the weekend in Solo, Central Java, which is also her constituency. Puan enjoyed traveling around Solo with the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

On Saturday afternoon, May 27, Puan arrived in Solo and was greeted by Gibran, Regent Sukoharjo Etik Suryani, and Klaten Regent Sri Mulyani. They then headed to Solo Paragon Mall from Solo Airport.

At Solo Paragon Mall, Puan was seen exploring shopping centers while talking familiarly with Gibran, who is also a PDIP politician. They visited several MSME stands at Solo Paragon Mall, including the batik exhibition.

Puan even bought several pieces of batik at the exhibition stands. He also interacts with people who are in malls and many visitors who ask for photos with him.

"I usually come here for official matters that are often complicated, so now I want to relax. I haven't been to Solo for a long time, and this time Mas Wali (Gibran) invited me to tour Solo," said Puan when asked by reporters about the purpose of her visit in Solo.

As a member of the DPR from the Central Java V constituency which includes Solo Raya, Puan often carries out activities in Solo. He saw that many local products were sold at Solo Paragon Mall and even bought tea ice at the Gardu Tea outlet to be distributed to visitors to visiting malls.

"Tomorrow I plan to attend car free day (CFD) and visit Solo Safari. I have never been to Solo Safari, so I was invited by Mas Wali to go there," he added.

In addition to attending CFD which will also be accompanied by Gibran, Puan plans to walk to Pasar Gede, Solo. These activities are part of his visit to interact with the people of Solo Raya.

After shopping at Solo Paragon Mall, Puan and Gibran enjoyed dinner at the Bestik Sumber Pak Darmo, a simple food stall in the Laweyan area, Solo. They sat together and looked relaxed while enjoying beef and fried rice dishes.

Puan and Gibran also recorded vlog together while reviewing the food they ate at the Sumber Bestik Restaurant, Pak Darmo. Puan admitted that she was happy to be able to taste the typical Solo food.

"I'm very happy to try out the typical Solo foods. I eat beef and fried rice. How about Mas Wali?" asked Puan to Gibran.

"Also bestik," replied Gibran.

After dinner, Gibran invited Puan to see the Ngarsopuro Night Market, a night tour area in front of the Mangkunegaran Palace. Gibran explained to Puan about MSME activities at the Ngarsopuro Night Market which were successfully revived after being stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Puan looks enthusiastic to see various MSME stands selling fashion, culinary products and typical Solo souvenirs. However, their visit did not stop there. That night, Gibran also invited Puan to watch the Dewa concert which was held at the Auditorium of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta (UMS).

"After eating, I was invited by the Mayor to watch the Dewa concert," said Puan.

Apart from Dewa, the concert also featured performances from Ari Lasso, Ello, Ardhito Pramono, and several other singers. Puan and Gibran enjoyed their performance together.

Puan emphasized that her visit to Solo this time there was no special political agenda. The main goal is to meet and greet the people of Solo.

"Going here together with Mas Wali is his political agenda. That's all," explained Puan when asked by reporters.

When asked about the possibility of making Gibran a campaigner in the upcoming Legislative and Presidential Elections, Puan said that all regional heads from PDIP have this task. As the Chairperson of the PDIP Winning Team for the 2024 Legislative and Presidential Elections, Puan ensured that every PDIP regional head must be the front motor of the party.

Puan also gave her response regarding the meeting between Gibran and the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, who will also run in the upcoming presidential election. Puan immediately asked Gibran in front of reporters about his meeting with Prabowo.

Gibran answered briefly, "It's normal."

"Now ask the Mayor, it's Mas Gibran who meets Mas Prabowo," added Puan.

Responding to the development of the PDIP coalition with other parties in the 2024 presidential election, Puan stated that PDIP had scheduled a meeting with several general chairmen of political parties in the near future. He also ensured that PPP had agreed to join PDIP in supporting Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate.

"The PPP and PDI-P pairs have joined. There has been a meeting between the PDIP General Chair and the PPP General Chair. This is an agreement that we have made, namely the common intention for the same presidential candidate in the upcoming legislative and presidential elections," said Puan.

Puan also gave her response regarding the results of the latest Kompas Research and Development Survey which showed a decrease in the electability of Ganjar Pranowo. According to Puan, the results of the survey are a challenge that needs to be evaluated by PDIP.

"The results of this survey are a challenge that must be evaluated. Hopefully in the future it can be better. God willing," concluded Puan.