Running Text At Hajj Dormitory Hacked Becomes 'Plt Mayor Of Bekasi Bobrok', Ministry Of Religion Reports Police
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) reported a case of alleged hacking of text LED runs at the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory. The run-text reads "Plt Mayor of Bekasi Bobrok".
"I don't know who did it, yes, we'll just have to wait for the police investigation. But we have reported this incident to the police," said Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of Religion (Menag) for Media and Public Communication Wibowo Prasetyo in Jakarta, Friday, May 26, as reported by Antara.
Previously, running text LED at the Jakarta-Bekasi Hajj Embarkation displayed the words "Plt Mayor of Bekasi Bobrok" on Thursday, May 26. The incident took place when the Acting Mayor of Bekasi Tri Adhianto came to release the group of Hajj participants at the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory.
Wibowo said the incident would certainly be detrimental to the Ministry of Religion using hajj dormitories. The Ministry of Religion is focusing on preparing services for pilgrims for Hajj candidates.
Currently, he continued, the police are still carrying out the investigation process to investigate who the party was behind the running text LED hack.
So far, the Ministry of Religion has not found any intentional elements by the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory staff. He suspects that the running text was hacked by irresponsible parties.
"But everyone must know that this can also be a running text LED that can be confused or teased or the language is now hacked," he said.
This alleged hacking case, continued Wibowo, did not only occur at the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory. A similar case has occurred at a Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in Bekasi.
"So the same thing does not only happen at the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory, but also happens at regional public hospitals that belong to the city government," said Wibowo.