No More Honorary Teachers Who Work In Distribution, Immediately Raise To ASN PPPK
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, specifically highlighted the fate of honorary teachers. Puan hopes that the appointment of honorary teachers to become Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) this year can be maximized.
Teachers are unsung heroes that we must pay attention to together. With the appointment of honorary teachers to become PPPK, this is a step forward for their welfare," said Puan in her statement commemorating National Education Day (Hardiknas), Tuesday, May 2.
Puan said, there are still many honorary teachers who get low wages, especially in the regions. Even though the work of teachers in the regions is quite heavy with the challenge of a lack of educators and geographical aspects that are not easy.
"In fact, not a few of them earn more income by working odd jobs. This is what we have to fix, by becoming ASN or PPPK, teachers will prosper and provide the best service for public education," he said.
As is known, the fulfillment of the needs of teachers is still not optimal considering that ASN teachers with PPPK status who have been and appointed are still less than 50 percent of the need for teachers who reach more than 1.2 million teachers. The government stated that it would optimize the quota for the appointment of PPPK teachers in 2023 as many as 601,286 teachers for the fulfillment of ASN teachers.
The DPR also ensures that it will oversee the process of appointing PPPK ASN teachers so that they are realized according to the target. Puan also encouraged the local government to increase the budget allocation for educators so that the quota for the appointment of PPPK teachers is maximized.
"In addition to the completeness of the relevant council or commission, I will personally oversee the process of appointing honorary teachers to become PPPK ASN so that the need for teachers to educate our children is also being met more quickly," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
On the other hand, Puan encourages the selection of appointment of PPPK teachers to prioritize honorary teachers who have served for years as educators. He said that the services and services of senior teachers who have not been appointed as ASN should also be considered.
"We in the DPR will also continue to strive to oversee the 2023 PPPK selection process for honorary teachers. Therefore, we ask the Government to do the right absorption by prioritizing appointing honorary teachers who have served for a long time," said Puan.
Furthermore, Puan assessed that the appointment of honorary teachers to become PPPK was not just able to solve the issue of teacher welfare alone. The appointment of honorary teachers to PPPK is said to increase the professionalism of teachers in educational units.
"Welfare and professionalism are two things that cannot be separated. Because if teachers are prosperous, they will be enthusiastic and happy while working. Of course the impact will be better," he explained.
In addition to the issue of the appointment of PPPK teachers, Bung Karno's grandson also highlighted the need to increase facilities and infrastructure facilities in schools to support education. Because, according to Puan, there are still many schools in areas with poor educational facilities and infrastructure, especially those located in remote areas of the country.
The problem of education personnel will not be separated from facilities and infrastructure. There are still areas in remote areas of the country where the study room, library and educational support tools are far below the standard. This should also be the government's attention," said Puan.
As for Indonesian children, Puan reminded the importance of higher education in order to support a decent future. In addition, she reminded that freedom in obtaining education should not be based on differences in gender.
"In my family, I have never taught or discriminated between men and women. I hope that all Indonesian children will get the same thing. Therefore, younger siblings should not drop out of school, achieve big dreams," he appealed.
Then for the teachers, Puan advised to always be trustworthy in educating Indonesian sons/daughters who are the next generation of the nation.
"At the commemoration of this Education Day, I advise all teachers not to be tired of educating the younger generation of this nation. Give the best service for the bright future of Indonesian children," said Puan.
"Because as our Father of Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, useful knowledge is knowledge that is taught to everyone. Happy National Education Day to all Indonesian educators and students, hopefully education in Indonesia will progress and develop," concluded the 2 Honoris Causa Doctorate degrees.