Professor Of IPB: Instant Indonesia Is Safe To Consume

JAKARTA - Professor of Nutrition Science at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) as well as General Chair of the Indonesian Food Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Hardiansyah, MS said that Indonesian instant noodles are still safe for public consumption.

"The competent authority has made a statement and scientifically it is true. So we follow the appeal from the Head of the Indonesian POM, that the instant noodles produced in Indonesia are safe," said Hardiansyah, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 29.

In order to remain safe for health and meet nutritional needs, Hardiansyah also recommended that the community also add vegetables and protein to instant noodle dishes. Thus, other nutritional needs will be met.

The important thing in my opinion, it's all part of carbohydrates. Depending on the most important nutrition is how to eat. If it's nutrition, the staples must be eaten with side dishes and vegetables as well as fruit," said Hardiasnyah.

On the other hand, the Head of Nutrition Installation and Food Production at RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Fitri Hudayani, SST., S.Gz, MKM, RD also conveyed the same thing. When contacted separately, he said that instant noodles in Indonesia are safe for consumption because they are under the supervision of BPOM.

"In my response, instant noodles in Indonesia are under the supervision of the Indonesian BPOM so that they are safe to consume. Because the content does not contain hazardous materials, if consumed according to the amount that is not excessive," explained Fitri.

Previously, the Taipei Department of Health on Monday, April 24, revealed that the findings of two names of instant noodles from Southeast Asia contained cancer-triggering substances. In his statement, instant noodles Ah Lai White Curry Noodles from Malaysia and Indonesia's Special Chicken flavor Indomie are said to contain ethylene oxides, chemical compounds related to lymphoma and leuchemicals.

Responding to this, an official statement from the BPOM confirmed by the Head of the Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau of BPOM RI, Noorman Effendi, said that the Taipei City Health Authority reported the existence of EtO in the Indomie Rasa Chicken Special brand's instant noodle seasoning of 0.187 mg/kg (ppm).

In the statement, it was also explained that Taiwan did not allow EtO to eat food. Meanwhile, Indonesia has set a Maximum Restriction (BMR) 2-CE limit of 85 ppm through the Decree of the Head of BPOM Number 229 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Health Risk Mitigation of Ethylene Oksida Compounds based on international standards regulated by Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).