Andy Rubin Profile, Former Apple Employee Developing Android Operating System

YOGYAKARTA Profile of Andy Rubin may be less popular than Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Even though he is the discoverer of the Android operating system that currently dominates global mobile devices.

According to the IDC Research Firm report, in 2020, 84.1 percent of smartphones will use the operating system developed by Andy Rubin.

Well, in this article, the profile of Andy Rubin, known as Mr. Android, will be discussed.

Andy Rubin is a figure who finds and develops Android, a software that is now under Google.

Born in 1963, this raised programmer in Chawaqua, New York, United States studied atwa Greeley High School in 1997-1981.

After graduating from high school, Rubin attended Utica College, Utica, New York and earned a bachelor's degree in computer science in 1986.

Next, Rubin works as a robotic specialist engineering software at optical Carl Zeiss X-ray Microscopy company attenuatedwood, New York. He worked for approximately three years, namely in 1986-1989.

According to a Business Insider report, Rubin has also worked as an engineering software at Société Genevoise d'Instruments Physiques based in Geneva, Switzerland for a year.

In 1989, Andy Rubin was accepted to work at Apple, the United States tech giant founded by Steve Jobs.

The story of Andy Rubin being accepted at Apple is quite unique. One day in 1989, Rubin was based on Cayman Island. There, he accidentally met Bill Caswell, an engineer at Apple at that time.

To Rubin, Caswell told me that he was kicked out of the cottage where he stayed after making a fuss with his girlfriend. Because of that, Rubin offered Caswell a rest area.

As a form of gratitude, Caswell offered Rubin a job at Apple. The offer was greeted with open arms by Rubin. He also started working at Apple in 1989.

At that time, Appel's business conditions were very healthy because of her job. At the company made by Steve Jobs, Rubin started his position in the manufacturing department and was transferred to Apple's research department.

In 1990, Apple founded a company called General Magic, and Rubin joined the company. General Magic focuses on developing handheld and communication devices.

At General Magic, Rubin and his team managed to develop a software called Magic Cap. However, this software did not receive a warm welcome from the hanset vendor. As a result, General Magic disbanded.

After General Magic disbanded, Rubin and a number of Apple veterans founded Artemis Research. They are developing a WebTV that is the forerunner of the merger of televise and the internet.

Artemis Research was later acquired by Microsoft in 1997. Thus, Rubin and the Artemis Research team are also under Microsoft's control.

Two years later, Rubin left the WebTV team, which automatically left Microsoft. After leaving, Rubin founded a new company called Danger Inc.

This company makes a device called T-Mobile Sidekick. Sidekick has an application store like the Google Play Store and also cloud computing storage. Not only that, this handset also has Google as a default search engine.

The Sidekick designed by Rubin turned out to be in demand by Google founders, namely Larry Page and Sergei Brin. Pages that were amazed by Sidekick for loading Google in them, thinking about Google's phone idea.

Rubin's Sidekick can access mobile data and has the ability to phone. Rubin rejects the assumption that Sidekick is a PDA.

According to Rubin, T-Mobile Sidekick is a platform for third-party developers. And today, Sidekick's own is commonplace, where phones are packed with many third-party applications.

In 2003, Rubin left Danger Inc and founded Android. Android was chosen because it was his nickname while working at Apple. Rubin is dubbed Android (a robot that resembles humans) because of a huge robotic fan.

Initially, Androud was developed to become a digital camera operating system. However, the plan turned into the development of a mobile operating system.

Through Android, Rubin tries to provide a tough and open mobile platform that can encourage innovation faster for customer gain.

Android developers initially received support from venture capital firm Redpoint Ventures. However, due to large development capital, Rubin is looking for other procurements.

Rubin then offered Android to Samsung, which at that time had become a global phone maker. But Rubin's offer was rejected rawly.

In July 2005, Android was acquired by Google after Page heard ideas about Android from Rubin. Google bought Android for 50 million US dollars at the time, coupled with a number of incentives.

After being recognized, the entire small Android team was brought to Google headquarters in Mountain View. Rubin is a senior vice president of mobile and digital content in charge of overseeing Android development. In 2007, Android was officially introduced commercially.

That's information about Andy Rubin' profile, a former Apple employee who developed the Android operating system. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.