Ethylene Oksida Facts That Are Being Hot News Because They Were Found In Instant Noodles

YOGYAKARTA - Recently, some instant noodle products were withdrawn which were found to contain ethylene oxide in them. This substance is believed to cause cancer in the body when eaten by people. Then, what is the fact of ethylene oxide?

What do you think the ethile oxide is? Is it very risky for the body to consume?

Here are some examples of facts about chemical ethylene oxides, What are?

What is ethylene oxide

Ethylene oxides or EtOs are chemical compounds that in some countries are commonly used in factories, either as basic materials for mixtures of glycol ethylene or as substance or sterilization material for medical equipment, and as pesticides (fumigan) for prosecution after harvesting food products.

Fumigan itself is a pesticide that is used in fumigation methods, where this pesticide is easy to evaporate and the vapor is used to eradicate plant-disturbing materials.

Ethile oxide properties

Quoting from the Guidelines of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in 2022, EtO is a toxic, colorless gas. It smells like ether, reactive, and is easy to burn, and has a chemical C2H4O method.

The physical watak of solubility proves that EtO can be soluble in water, acetone, benzene, dietyl ether and ethanol.

Not only that, EtO is an electrolytic substance and is able to calculate the combined nucleophilic in macromolecules such as hemoglobin and DNA. In various studies, EtO was found as a genotoxic and mutagenic compound.

Derivatives of Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxides are usually used as material for sterile medical devices such as surgical equipment, as well as household appliances and clothes.

The derivatives of popular ethylene oxides are ethylene glycol, which is generally used as brake oil, determinants, and paint dilution.

Other ethile oxide derivatives are etoxylate, ethanolamin, carbonate ethylene, glycol ethylene, and ether etoxylate.

The Use Of Ethylene Oxide

Melanesia dari Americanchemistry, Ethylene Oksida digunakan guna membuat berbagai produk yang bisa ditemukan di dekat rumah, mulai dari shampoo, detergent, sampai pembunu pest.

These compounds are also needed for fabrication and very durable garment, such as kackets, coating fabrics, clothing, to furniture pads.

Not only that, ethylene oxides are also useful for developing automotive solutions, such as brake solutions, lubricants, hydraulic solutions and brakes.

More fully, ethylene oxides can also be used as raw material for manufacture:

Hazardous For The Body

Launching from the BPOM guidelines in 2022, EtOs that are smoked or inhaled are easily absorbed through breathing devices and digestive tract. EtOs themselves are easily dissolved in the blood as a result, they will soon be distributed throughout the body.

Exposure to this compound can irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, cause dizziness and nausea and influence the central nervous system.

EtO has the potential to cause cancer in people. Especially for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2012, EtO is classified as group 1 "Carcinogenic to human".

The fact of EtO's carcinogenicity is observed from research on acute inhalation in mice and snaking (barrel animals). In the research, tumors arise in the lymph system as well as orak blood vessels, respiratory equipment, content, and breast glands.

Futures side effects consume large amounts of ethile oxide

Taking from several sources, the International Agency for Research on Cancer includes ethylene oxide as carcinogenic for people, or carcinogenous for humans.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland US EPA narrates that ethylene oxides are mutagen, meaning that they can replace DNA in cells.

It should be noted that the short-term impact of ethylene oxides in large numbers causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, fast stones, to shortness of breath.

Meanwhile, this long-term impact includes expansion effects, white blood cell cancer or leuchemicals, to breast cancer.

So after learning the facts of ethile oxides, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!