Jakarta's Odd Even Elimination, PJ Governor Heru Calls Simultaneous Mobility Youth During Eid

JAKARTA - Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said the elimination of the odd-even system during the Eid holiday to facilitate community mobility during the gathering. "Oh yes (odd-even is abolished) so that community mobility is easy, easy," said Heru after carrying out Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri prayers at the DKI City Hall Field, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday 22 April. Odd-even system during the Eid holiday, Heru said was abolished on 19-25 April 2023 and was again enforced from 26 April 2023. "Until 25 or 26 if I'm not mistaken," said Heru. Previously, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service (Dishub) through its official Instagram account, @dishubdkijakarta said that the implementation of the odd-even system for 26 roads was abolished on 19-25 April 2023. Regarding Eid al-Fitr 1444 H, the implementation of the odd-even system on 26 roads was abolished on 19 April-25 April 2023," wrote Instagram DKI Transportation Agency, Tuesday 18 April.
The policy refers to Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2019 Article 3 paragraph (3) which reads that traffic restrictions with the odd-even system are not enforced on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays stipulated by a presidential decree (keppres). DKI Transportation Agency also urges traffic users to monitor the implementation of the odd-even system on DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency social media.