Ganjar Pranowo Releases A Free Homecoming Group For Central Java Residents In Jabodetabek, Here's The Excitement

JAKARTA - The exciting atmosphere was seen when Ganjar Pranowo released the free homecoming group. The homecoming participants looked cheerful, implied on the faces of thousands of Central Java residents who were leaving for homecoming on Monday 17 April. A total of 10,328 Central Java residents who work in Jabodetabek every day take part in the free homecoming together facilitated by the Central Java Provincial Government.

On-site monitoring, thousands of travelers were seen flocking to the Mandhala Bhakti Museum Field, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), East Jakarta, with their relatives.

Apart from being blessed to be able to go home together, the thousands of Central Java residents also received special gifts. They can meet directly with the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who is specifically present to release thousands of free homecoming participants.

Arriving at the location, Ganjar was immediately surrounded by residents. Apart from shaking hands and taking photos together, they also expressed their gratitude.

Because, thanks to Ganjar, they can return to their hometown to celebrate Eid, for free. "Thank you very much Mr. Ganjar. If there is no free homecoming, I can't go home with my family," said a free homecoming participant.

Ganjar also had a dialogue with a number of free homecoming participants and also bus drivers who would take the travelers to their destination.

To all of them, Ganjar advised to be careful during the trip. He also left greetings to the families of the homecoming participants in their respective hometowns.

"This is part of the contribution, not too much from us, but it can please the community. I talked to them earlier, and I feel like I saw his face all happy. Of course we are happy," said Ganjar.

A total of 212 buses were deployed to transport travelers today. They will be escorted to a number of areas in Central Java, including Solo Raya, Semarang Raya, Pekalongan Raya, Kedu Raya, Pati Raya and Banyumas Raya.

"There are all regions, because this time there are participation from many parties. There are from the Central Java Provincial Government, the Regent/Mayor, Bank Jateng, Jasa Raharja, Moewardi Hospital and many others," he explained.

In addition to releasing the departure of travelers from Jabodetabek, Ganjar Pranowo will also release travelers via train from Jakarta, tomorrow Tuesday, April 18 morning.

After releasing the drivers from Jabodetabek, this afternoon, Ganjar will go to Bandung to release the travelers from West Java.

"Later in the afternoon I will go to West Java to release the travelers from there. Yesterday we released those from Medan, South Sumatra and Lampung. There are also those who use ships that have also arrived, so we have optimized all dimensions," he explained.

Ganjar hopes that this free homecoming program can be enjoyed by the public. He also hopes that everything will run smoothly.

"We hope that this program can help the community. Every year we hold it and later there will also be backflows, but not as much as this because usually travelers usually don't come back together. Some are waiting for the start, some are fast," he concluded.

A homecoming participant from Boyolali, Dewi Ratnasari (31) admitted that she was very happy with this free homecoming program. If there is no free homecoming program, he will not be able to celebrate Lebaran in the village with all family members.

"Just imagine, one ticket to Boyolali costs Rp. 500,000. If it's the five of me, then the only cost to pay for tickets is Rp. 2,500,000. Haven't eaten and others, it's hard for you and your family in the village. It's hard, bro. That's why I always go home for free," he explained, who was grateful to be able to join the program released by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.