These National Figures Declare They Will Watch Buya Hamka Film

JAKARTA - The film Buya Hamka received positive appreciation from national figures to state officials. The film starring Vino G Bastian will also be watched by regional officials.

The list of officials and public figures who will watch the Buya Hamka film includes Ida Ayu Bintang (Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection), Lestari Moerdijat (Deputy Chair of the MPR), Prof. Dr. AM Hendropriyono (former Head of the National Intelligence Service) and his wife, Mufidah Jusuf Kalla (Former wife of Indonesian Vice President, Jusuf Kalla), Prof. Dr. Meutia Swasono Hatta (former Minister of State for Women's Empowerment), DR. H. Oesman Sapta (Chairman of the Hanura Party), Titiek Soeharto (daughter of former President Suharto), Ommy Komariah Madjid (Nurcholis Madjid's wife), Linda Agum Gumelar, SIP, Darmawati, SE, MSc, and many others.

Meanwhile, regional officials, H. Mahyeldi Ansharullah (Governor of West Sumatra), will certainly be present at the gala premiere of the film Buya Hamka in Jakarta. In addition, the Chairperson of the Agam DPRD, Novi Irwan, the Regent to the Mayor, in West Sumatra will enliven the cinema to watch the film Buya Hamka.

The amount of appreciation given from various groups for the film Buya Hamka made the players involved in this film feel happy.

Vino G Bastian admitted that he did not expect that the film Buya Hamka would receive great appreciation from various groups in this country. "Alhamdulillah, our hard work for the film Buya Hamka has received a lot of appreciation, not only from film fans, but from various groups. Hopefully, this will meet the expectations of the audience for the film Buya Hamka," he said when contacted, Friday, April 7.

The same thing was conveyed by Donny Damara, who plays the character Haji Rasul in the film Buya Hamka. "Definitely happy, the film Buya Hamka can steal the attention of many people. Because this film is not just a spectacle, but also has a lot of moral messages conveyed by this film," he explained.

Apart from Vino G Bastian and Donny Damara, the film, which will be shown in all Indonesian cinemas on April 20, 2023, will also be played by Laudya Chintya Bella plays Buya Hamka's wife, Siti Raham, Anjasmara as Sukarno, Reza Rahardian as Tjokroaminoto, and various other top actor names such as Ayu Laksmi, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchus Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha, and Yoga Pratama.