Winaya Expresses Loss Through Single Is Already On

JAKARTA - Opening 2023, soloist Winaya Satasya again greeted her through the latest single entitled Sudah Jalannya which displays a simple piano accompaniment as the main instrument and tells about the loss of a loved one.

According to Winaya, the song was originally made to express sadness when one of the family members who was the closest person to him died.

Seeing the family left behind looking grieving, a narrative was created from the things he observed. Then, after about four months of work, this work was born as Winaya's third single.

"Almost all the songs I wrote - two of them have been released, made from the point of view of a third person or not from what I experienced directly. The creative process and recording itself are quite challenging because this song has overflowing emotions," said Winaya, quoted from Antara, Friday.

Therefore, continued Winaya, she must be able to manage feelings when singing songs that are very deep.

"But, thank God, everything went well," he explained.

Winaya also added that the single It's Time to be enjoyed without having to think.

"In my opinion, this song is suitable for a cold and sad morning when we feel sad, especially for those who have just lost," he said.

Through her latest single, Winaya hopes that many people will feel similar to the theme she has raised.

"I hope this song can help them through the process of releasing, the process of mourning, or the process of longing. Even though the reality is bitter, people who leave us are already in a calmer place," said Winaya, who tried to show another side of herself in her path.

Winaya also plans to release an album armed with three singles that have been released and some of the song savings she has.

"There is certainly a desire. But I don't want it carelessly. If there is an opportunity, I want to make an album with the right concept so that all songs are in harmony. So that the art is not only in songs but also in the placement of songs," said Winaya ending the story.