Not Only Holding Back Hungry And Dahaga, This Is How To Maintain Emotions When Fasting

JAKARTA - Fasting is not only about holding back hunger but also emotions. Unfortunately, lack of nutritional intake will affect a person's self-control and emotions.

Therefore, the CEO of Stress Management Indonesia Coach Pris advises people who fast to meet nutritional needs during sahur and break their fast with nutritious food.

"With healthy food and drinks, you can stay calm while fasting," he said.

Protein and fiber are known to be important nutrients that can help a person feel more full during fasting. While foods rich in saturated fat are digested more quickly so that it makes a person feel hungry easily.

Coach Pris said it is better for someone to avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and increase the consumption of nutritious food when suhoor and breaking the fast.

"You can try changing to kolak and fried foods with fresh fruits and vegetables," he said.

Not only nutrition, he also suggested that people who fast rest enough to be healthier and focus on carrying out their daily activities. Research proves that resting for about six to seven hours can help a person maintain mental health to be more stable.

On the other hand, it is better to keep the bed clean because inadequate beds lower the quality of sleep and therefore, the mood can be more chaotic.

"It's a good idea to start setting an ideal rest schedule during fasting. Don't let you stay up late and have an evening," he suggested.

Another thing to maintain emotions is journaling. According to Coach Pris, during fasting, a person needs to find a way to pour out feelings and complaints without hurting other people's feelings and of course in a way that does not break the fast.

Journaling, he said, can help to calm a person's feelings during fasting. By writing his complaints and opinions, he can relieve negative emotions without harming other parties or being carried away by emotions in the future.

In addition, journaling can be a medium of self-reflection so that you can learn to be even better in maintaining your mental health.

Finally, Coach Pris advises people who fast to use their spare time as well as possible by doing activities that are liked or exploring new things that have never been tried.

"Exploring hobbies can help you feel happier. Not only that, you can also take advantage of the time to wait for breaking the fast by exploring your hobbies, be it coloring, writing, playing music, video games, and other activities," he explained.

According to him, the brain will focus more on activities that are being carried out so that time will feel faster. He also gets the dopamine hormone that helps him feel happier with hobbies.

"Ramadhan is not just a matter of thirst and hunger, you have to do your deeds and make the best use of time for good. If you use your time to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can also stay happy during fasting and increase your enthusiasm for charity," he ordered.