Sri Mulyani Leads The Election Of Two Members Of The New OJK Board Of Commissioners

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is known to be the leader in the selection committee for the two members of the Board of Commissioners (DK) of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) 2023-2023 which officially started this week.

In his explanation, the Minister of Finance said that the pair of OJK DK positions in question were the first, Chief Executive Supervisory of Financing Institutions, Ventura Capital Companies, Micro Financial Institutions, and Other Financial Services Institutions concurrently Member of the Board of Commissioners.

"Second, the Chief Executive of the Supervision of Financial Sector Technology Innovation, Digital Financial Assets and Crypto Assets concurrently a Member of the Board of Commissioners," he said at a press conference today, Monday, March 27.

According to the Minister of Finance, this is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning the Financial Services Authority (UU Number 21 of 2011) as amended by Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU Number 4 of 2023).

"In order to become a member of the DK of the Financial Services Authority, it is forbidden to have a family relationship up to the second degree and just like that," he said.

Meanwhile, some of the requirements mentioned include, having experience or expertise in the financial services sector, being a maximum of 65 years old, never being sentenced to five years or more, and not being a member of a political party.

Meanwhile, the selection team led by the Minister of Finance consisted of Perry Warjiyo and Doni Primanto Joewono from elements BI, Suahasil Nazara and Kartika Wirjoatmodjo from elements of the government, Dian Masyita, Chatib Basri, Hoesen, and Wishnutama Kusubandio from elements of society.

This selection itself starts on March 29, 2023 until it is finished for the 2023-2028 term.