Jambi Governor Condemns Violence Against Jambi Police Journalists

JAMBI - Jambi Governor Al Haris condemned the crime or criminalization of a journalist from the Jambi Regional Police unit named Ari who was abused with a sharp weapon by someone who is also an unscrupulous journalist in Jambi.

"As a governor, I really appreciate the journalist profession, but in this case, I regret that this crime has occurred, which should not have happened and should not happen again in Jambi," said Al Haris, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 25.

Regarding the stabbing incident, it is hoped that in the future there will be no more cases or incidents like this, especially those that happen to young journalists in Jambi.

"I think that media friends should have the profession to support each other in carrying out their duties, if there is a lack of communication in the field it is normal and it is hoped that they must immediately take steps to reunite," he said.

Jambi Governor Al Haris stated that the journalist profession was noble and in the future incidents like this would not happen again and asked all parties to exercise restraint.

The governor, after visiting Ari, the victim of a stabbing who is now being treated in room 310 on the 2nd floor of Siloam Jambi Hospital, said that his condition had started to improve and had undergone surgery on his left hand because due to the stabbing, several tendons belonging to Ari broke so he had to reconnect.

"There were three pieces of the victim's hand and after surgery it was reconnected and his condition is quite good at this time for his recovery," said Al Haris.

Meanwhile Ari said he would like to thank the Governor who had wanted to see him directly to the hospital and provide moral support and assistance for the costs of the hospital. "My parents and I thank the Governor of Jambi Pak Al Haris for taking the time to see his condition lying in Siloam Hospital," said Ari.

Meanwhile, the Jambi Regional Police are investigating the case of abuse experienced by Nur alias Ari, one of the journalists from the Jambi Regional Police unit. This was conveyed by the Head of Sub-Division of the Jambi Regional Police Bidhumas, Kompol Mas Edy when confirmed by the media. "Yes, at this time we have just received the police report, it is still being handled by investigators for further processing," explained Mas Edy. Jambi Police will follow up and process the report firmly and professionally according to the applicable law.