JAKARTA After rejecting Israel's participation in the U20 world cup some time ago, Bali Governor Wayan Koster again made a statement that angered the public, this time it was related to cryptocurrencies that drew anger from tourists in Bali.

Koster warned tourists who use cryptocurrencies to pay for accommodation, restaurants, as well as other goods and services, will face severe penalties such as deportation, criminal acts, and business closures.

"Foreign tourists who behave inappropriately, carry out activities that are not allowed in their visa permits, use crypto as a means of payment and violate other provisions will be dealt with firmly," said Bali Governor Wayan Koster on Sunday, May 28, 2023.

Koster's statement sparked a commotion in the Reddit discussion forum. Foreign tourists admit that they will no longer come to Bali. They also argue that the use of cryptocurrencies is a right that users and related companies have.

Koster's warning sparked the disappointment and anger of tourists and also offended the crypto community in general. However, in Indonesia, cryptocurrencies are only approved as assets, and cannot be used for transactions, but the threat of deportation to tourists seems excessive considering that Bali has only risen after the drop in tourist numbers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trisno Nugroho as Head of Bank Indonesia Bali Representative Office stated that cryptocurrencies are allowed as assets but cannot be used for transactions. The use of foreign currency also cannot be used for domestic payments because what is allowed as a medium of exchange is only the rupiah currency.

Even so, Wayan Koster should be more careful in issuing statements because it has the potential to become a boomerang as happened in the U20 World Cup case, where Indonesia canceled its host and FIFA finally preferred Argentina.

At the same time, Bali itself has the largest crypto trading company in Indonesia, Indodax. Then Tokocrypto has established T-Hub Tokocrypto on the island of the Gods.

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