JAKARTA - In the midst of plans to remove the 1.5 billion Twitter accounts that will be carried out by Elon Musk, Bitcoin supporters hope the Tesla boss does not delete the account of Hal Finney, a computer scientist.

For information, Hal Finney was the first to run Bitcoin software after Satoshi Nakamoto withdrew and disappeared from the crypto world. However, Satoshi Nakamoto's identity is still unknown whether he is a person or a group.

Crypto advocates have flooded Elon Musk's post planning to remove billions of inactive accounts for a long time. Twitter will soon begin to free up the space of names from the 1.5 billion accounts," Musk wrote on December 9, 2022.

"This is a clear account deletion without tweets [and] no log-in over the years," Musk added.

One of the accounts that hasn't tweeted for years is the first generation Bitcoin software developer, Hal Finney, @halfin. Apart from running BTC software, Finney is also the first Bitcoin transaction recipient to be sent via the network and confirmed at block 170 height.

Twitter account Hal Finney must be maintained @elonmusk. PLEASE DON'T CLEAN! wrote one netizen. Another Twitter user asked Musk not to delete the Finney account whose position is considered important in the crypto space.

"Please don't delete the Hal Finney account. One of the important Twitter accounts in Bitcoin [and] crypto space," the user pleaded to Twitter owners.

The Finney account was first active since early Twitter, in 2007. On January 10, 2009, he wrote in his post, Running bitcoin. The post got more than 55,000 Likes. To date, Hal Finney's account has more than 69,400 followers.

The figure who runs the bitcoin software is Nakamoto's first 10 BTC recipient. In addition, the creator of Bitcoin also sent 22 BTC to a different wallet address on the same day.

On the other hand, Finney is thought to have been actively mining the first BTC block the following day after a January 10 tweet. Reported by Bitcoin.com, block 78 is affiliated with a series of Finney and bitcoin transactions it mined that year, and it is highly likely that it mines block 78 on January 11, 2009.

Block 78 was not only linked to a series of Finney transactions in 2009 and all the rewards coinbase it collected, but also linked to the first BTC transaction of 10 BTC on 12 January 2009 at 03:30 a.m. (ET), bitcoin originally from block 9 Bitcoin.

In another post, Finney also wrote: "Looking at ways to add more anonymity to bitcoin," Finney said on January 21, 2009.

"Thinking about how to reduce CO2 emissions from Bitcoin's implementation widely," wrote Finney on January 27, 2009. Due to its role in the early development of Bitcoin, the crypto community asked Elon Musk not to delete Hal Finney's Twitter account, @halfin.

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