JAKARTA - Arema FC management is considering disbanding the club after seeing the recent situation. This reaction arose after conditions in Malang that were not conducive after the tragedy of Kanjuruhan Stadium.

This consideration was revealed by the Commissioner of PT Arema Aremania Berpresasi Indonesia (PT AABBI), Tatang Dwi Arfianto.

Before this was discovered, Aremania had held a demonstration in front of the "Kandang Singa" on Jalan Mayjen Panjaitan, Malang City, on Sunday, January 29 at noon. This action ended in chaos and damaged Arema FC's office.

Tatang said that if Arema's efforts made the situation even more unfavorable, management would consider getting the club disbanded.

"Of course we responded to this incident. The Board of Directors and management gathered, discussing what the next step would be," Tatang said on the club's official website.

"Previously we thought that many Malang people lived from football, especially Arema FC, such as MSMEs, street vendors to other small businesses. However, if it is felt that Arema FC is considered disturbing conduciveness, of course there will be separate considerations regarding its existence or something, but we still leave it to many parties," he continued.

Tatang explained that the efforts taken and faced by the Arema FC club after the Kanjuruhan disaster had been carried out. Starting to open a crisis center to help deal with victims, face the process and lawsuits of both criminal and civil law.

In addition, he also said that Arema's management had provided trauma healing services, as well as keeping the club's existence alive even with various sanctions and fines from PSSI.

"We fully understand the prolonged atmosphere of grief, we continue to strive and strive to make this situation return to normal," said Tatang.

Currently Arema himself is undergoing sanctions from the PSSI Disciplinary Committee in the aftermath of the Flood Tragedy. The Singo Edan team is prohibited from playing home games in Malang until the end of this season.

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