YOGYAKARTA Tennis sports are now increasingly popular among the people of Indonesia. Its popularity is supported by artists who are known to start trying the sport. Tennis is not only a body exercise activity, but as a stress reliever which is quite good. Then, what are the benefits of tennis sports?

Please note, tennis is a type of game that resembles badminton by involving at least two players who each hold a racket to hit the tennis ball and fall into the opponent's area.

This sport is considered quite effective in training the body because it makes all limbs move from the hands, feet, even the upper to lower body. This condition turns out to be beneficial for the body. The benefits are as follows.

Tennis exercise can help you burn calories to the point of losing weight. This happens because the movement carried out during tennis is quite intensive, from top to lower body. For those of you who want to lose weight, this sport can be an alternative choice.

In tennis there is a movement of swinging, running, and jumping. The series of moves is very common in this sport. Not only helping burn calories, tennis also helps keep muscle mass from being injected.

The American National Institutes of Health recommends tennis exercise to nourish the bones. This happens because the varied tennis movement is supported by vitamin D which is obtained from sun exposure when you play tennis outdoors. To get this benefit to the maximum, choose the best time like the morning before 12 pm.

When exercising tennis, you unknowingly perform aerobic movements that will help improve heart rate. These exercises are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

When the heart rate increases, oxygen and blood flow will increase and be able to be distributed throughout the body. That way the tennis that is done regularly is able to help the cardiovascular system work optimally.

Motor control is the ability to balance one part of the body when other parts of the body move. Motor control can be improved through tennis games. Good motor control will help your body move more easily and lightly.

A tennis player is required to pursue and hit the ball thrown by the opponent. The movement needed for this purpose is able to help increase the body's flexibility so that when the body moves a little extreme it is not easy to hurt.

Tennis not only has a good impact on the health of the body but also mental health. The benefits that will be felt by those of you who play tennis are as follows.

Tennis is a collective sport that requires teamwork. Meeting other players will help prevent depression, especially among retirees.

Tennis can be a hobby that helps relieve stress. In tennis you can express stress with body movements and screams so that it will help you get mental health.

Exercise helps the body produce endorphins, namely substances the body produces to help relieve natural pain while at the same time being responsible for feelings of joy after certain activities.

Those are some of the benefits of tennis for body and mental health. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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