Nelly Reveals Her 'Hot' Competition For Hip Hop Music In The Early 2000s
Nelly (Photo: Instagram @nelly)

JAKARTA - Senior rapper, Nelly made a statement that was quite busy sparking debate. He said that 20 years ago was the toughest time for him as a hip hop artist.

While a guest at The Shop, Nelly conveyed her story. The early 2000 era was the most challenging era due to the fierce competition at that time.

"My musical age is the toughest time for hip hop music, period," he said in a video uploaded on Instagram @theshopun (7/3/2024).

"When I released new songs, I had to compete with DMX, Jay-Z, Eminem, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Luda (cris). We all fight for the top position," said the owner of the name Cornell Haynes Jr.. that.

Nelly's statement invites debate. Some netters claim that each time has its own challenges and superstars.

But it is undeniable that 2000 was one of the revolutionary times in the music industry, including hip hops. Before millennials, the East Coast and West Coast were eternal rivals, polarization narrowed to both sides.

After the 2000 era, the development of hip hops has expanded and given birth to new camps, namely theappropriation and the South.

In terms of sales figures, in that era hip hop was also experiencing a golden age. Two decades later, it was difficult for hip hop musicians to go platinum in the first month, as big names achieved in the early 2000s.

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