Andro Thankstoro, bassist Nidji, has not been fully involved in the band's music project in recent times. In the video clip for the Single Waste of Time, he did not participate in the shooting process.

On several stages of Nidji, Andro was also unable to participate. The bassist admitted to suffering from a disease in his heart.

"I have heart disease, so for some stages I can't do strenuous activities first," said Andro during a press conference in Kemang, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 22.

"For now, a little break (rest) from Nidji, it's almost a year. But for a few stages later, if there are those who can, I'll play, if not, no. So, my heart is indeed having problems," he continued.

With this statement, Nidji emphasized that Andro is still part of the band, which is currently celebrating 22 years of work.

"Indeed, we haven't given any statement yet, maybe the moment after Andro fits, and today the incident can give a clearer statement," said Rama (guitar).

"Come on, the seats for Andro are always there," said Randy (keyboard).

Andro's condition when met has improved, but he is still undergoing some regular treatment.

"Still in treatment and please pray for me. Please support and pray for me," concluded Andro.

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