Ismail Marzuki's Family Has Difficulty Finding The Figure Behind Hello Kuala Lumpur Content
Ismail Marzuki, songwriter Halo Bandung (Instagram @phrsenayan)

JAKARTA - More than three months looking for the figure behind the content making the song Hello Kuala Lumpur, Ismail Marzuki's son as the heir to the copyright holder of the song Halo Bandung, is still having a hard time.

Ari Juliano Gema as the attorney said that his party had not received further information regarding the perpetrators or individuals who uploaded and created the content. Until now they are still waiting for the results of the search.

Meanwhile, the search for the perpetrators is quite long. This is due to a lack of information regarding the YouTube channel Lagu Kanak TV as a content spreader for Hello Kuala Lumpur.

"Because there is no clear identity regarding who owns the YouTube and Tiktok accounts or channels," said Ari Juliano Gema to the media crew recently.

"Although the Indonesian Embassy has asked for assistance in Kuala Lumpur, there is still no further information," he continued.

In September, Ari said that the heirs of the Halo-halo Bandung copyright holder had investigated this case. They have succeeded in removing Hello Kuala Lumpur content from the circulation on YouTube and social media.

"Currently we have managed to take down the song from the YouTube and Tiktok platforms. However, we still have not received any information about the party who made it," said Ari Juliano Gema.

"(Resmi on take down) Youtube & Youtube Music on October 17, Tiktok on October 30," he said.

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