JAKARTA History today, 58 years ago, December 2, 1964, President Soekarno received the title of Honorist Causa in the field of science Ushuluddin from IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (now: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah). Bung Karno is considered one of the prominent Islamic figures.

Previously, the closeness of Bung Karno and Islam had grown since he started attending school in Surabaya. His activeness in attending the Muhammadiyah event became his estuary. Instead of being satisfied with hearing lectures, Soekarno began to dig for Islam himself from books.

Bung Karno's life journey is full of stories, especially about him finding his own religion. He lives in a family that is not very thick about his religious education. Every day he could only see his colleagues studying religion.

However, things changed when Soekarno continued his studies in Surabaya. He was a pink' at the house of a figure of Sarekat Islam, Haji Oemar Said (HOS) Tjokroaminoto. Bung Karno then followed a lot of the Tjokroaminoto family's lives. Moreover, Soekarno was often invited to participate in social activities from the Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah.

The meeting became a means for Bung Karno to explore Islam. He often listens to every question and answer session to find out more about Islam. Since then, he has been fond of finding out about Islam more deeply. He reads a lot of books related to the thought of prominent Islamic figures. Gradually, love for Islam grew. Moreover, when Bung Karno languished in Panjara Benceuy, then Sukamiskin. He always gave the time to read Islamic books.

So I am a person who is afraid of God and loves God from birth and this belief has intersected with me. I have never received regular religious education because you are not in depth in that field. I found Islam myself at the age of 15, when I accompanied Tjokro's family to join a religious and social organization called Muhammadiyah. The meeting house is located opposite our house in Gang Peneleh.

Once a month from eight o'clock to far past 100 people jostle to listen to religious lessons and this is followed by questions and answers. Even though I was engrossed in listening, I haven't really found Islam, I really thought about it until I went to prison. It was in prison that I became a true adherent," said Soekarno as written by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Connecting the Indonesian People's Lidah (1966).

This Islamic spirit became one of his guides in fighting to free the bumiputra from the shackles of colonialism. He was also able to mediate between national groups and religious groups.

This work is the background for IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah to give the title of Doctor of Honor (Honoris Causa) for the science of Ushuluddin to Soekarno. The title was then given on December 2, 1964. The son of Sang Fajar is considered they deserve an award. Because Soekarno is one of the Islamic thinkers.

In addition, in the Pancasila concept, citizens are required to become pious citizens, in addition to every precept from Pancasila does not conflict with Islamic teachings. It's a good idea to read his speech: Find the Fire of Islam.

"When receiving the Doctor Honoris Causa title from IAIN, Jakarta, December 2, 1964, Soekarno said that with my belief, I said, a country that does not worship God, ultimately harms, disappears from the face of this earth," said Peter Kasenda in the book Bung Karno Panglima Revolution (2014).

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