Healthy Foods And Drinks For Lebaran Homecoming To Keep The Long Travel Budget
Illustration of homecoming food (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA Travelers are advised to bring food and healthy drinks for Eid homecoming to support stamina so they don't get tired and sleepy easily. The reason is, food and beverages will contribute to health while on the way.

As is known, long trips during homecoming have the potential to make the body dehydrated. In addition, having an inaccurate food will make energy easily depleted as a result, travelers will be more easily sleepy. This condition is certainly quite dangerous if it is not overcome.

Healthy foods and drinks are brought either for snacks or for filling. The following is a recommendation for food and drinks for Eid homecoming.

The first food that is highly recommended to bring is pieces of fresh fruit. You can place pieces of fruit in the clean box as needed. Some fruits that are easy to carry and cut such as watermelons, bananas, apples, oranges, avocados, and so on. It is recommended not to mix fruit with too much sugar such as sugary condensed milk.

Apart from fruit, you can bring vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, and so on. But make sure that the place used is able to maintain the freshness of the vegetables and fruit that are brought.

Boiled eggs will be a good source of protein to carry when going home so that focus can be maintained and the brain remains vigilant. Not only useful, boiled eggs are also easier to process and carry on long trips.

Other snacks that can also increase energy are dry fruit. Usually dry fruit can be found in supermarkets so that it is easier to find. In addition dry fruit helps maintain longer driving stamina.

There are several choices of nuts that can be used as snacks during long homecoming trips such as almonds, metes, to soybeans. Nuts contain a lot of protein, fiber, and healthy fat so it is safe enough to be used as a snack during long trips.

A good source of carbohydrates to carry during the long journey is whole wheat bread. This food source is very much needed to maintain good stamina. In addition, wheat bread is also able to replace other carbohydrate sources such as rice.

Bringing protein bars when traveling long homecoming can provide additional nutrition for travelers. Important content such as fiber and protein will prevent travelers from hunger or drowsiness.

Never travel without water. The reason is that during the long journey, travelers will lose a lot of body fluids either due to the weather or because of the energy that is drained. Try to bring mineral water as needed.

Homecomers are advised to avoid food that triggers an uncomfortable stomach so that the journey runs smoothly.

Those are some healthy foods and drinks for Eid homecoming. Visit to get other interesting information.

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