Showing Off Congratulations From Asmirandah, Netizens Suspect Jessica Mila Has Given Birth To Her First Daughter
Asmirandah and Jessica Mila (Instagram @asmirandah89)

JAKARTA - Artist Asmirandah was seen sending a congratulations to her best friend, Jessica Mila in a card. This can be seen from Jesmil's upload, his nickname on his Instagram story.

In the short video, Jesmil shows the contents of the words written by Asmirandah and her husband, Jonas Rivanno, who congratulated the birth of Jesmil and Yakup Hasibuan's first daughter.

"Dearest Mila and Yakup. Congratulations to the birth of the first daughter who was very adorable, beautiful, and perfect," said Asmirandah's message quoted by VOI from Jessica Mila's Instagram story, Friday, March 15.

Asmirandah said that he and Jonas were happy with the news of the birth of their best friend's daughter. He also prayed that the daughter of Jesmil and Yakup would always be protected by God in every growth.

"I'm happy for your little family. Lord Jesus always and protects every growth of Baby Girl," continued Asmirandah.

In addition, the 34-year-old woman also welcomed Jesmil and Yakup's new status as new parents. He said he would pray to always accompany their new status.

"Congratulations on enjoying the new role of parents, our prayers are always with us," he concluded.

Seeing this, Jesmil thanked Asmirandah and Jonas Rivanno and their daughter Chloe Emmanuele Van Wattimena for the upload.

"Thank you Mami @asmirandah82 Papi @jonas.rivanno and brother @ chloeemmanuellevanwatttimena dear," wrote Jessica Mila.

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