JAKARTA - The lovers Sarah Menzel and Azriel Hermansyah claimed to have known each other with their respective families.

"Already, Sarah's family already knows each other, it's close. My family also knows (direction) when they go to Bali," said Azriel Hermansyah in the BSD area, South Tangerang, Saturday, February 24.

"From the start, he didn't meet him, it's just the family, so until now (it's close)," Sarah drew.

Even so, they have not thought about continuing their relationship to the level of marriage. The reason is that Azriel feels that he and Sarah are still too young to get married.

"I'm still young, if I get married, I have to think about it," explained Azriel.

Having been dating for 4 years, Azriel and Sarah admitted that they have been in long-distance relationships more often. Seeing this, they fight more often.

"Yes, yesterday we had a semester off, so during that time we were back in Bali to help Mamah, then less than a month ago we went to Singapore so we really continued to have LDR," said Sarah.

"I think it was the one who made the fight, I think it was the LDR factor too. So it was like I didn't meet, then I met again, so when I met fresh again. If I meet every day I'm also bored," added Azriel.

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