Frugal Living Rules For Islamic Teachings, Turns Out There Are Dails
Frugal Living For Islamic Teachings (Shacking Image - Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard the term Frugal living? Or the role of frugal living according to Islamic teachings The reason is, frugal living or a frugal lifestyle that prioritizes wisdom in the use of money, continues to be popular in various circles, especially the younger generation. This phenomenon can be seen from the rise of content on social media that regulates tips on living efficiently, DIY (Do It Yourself), and uses used used goods.

Launching from excerpts from the NU website, Deborah Taylor-Hough in the novel Frugal Living for Dummies [Obvialpolis; Willey Publishing, Inc, 2003] narrated that the concept of frugal living is about making important choices for living according to your financial abilities. Life is saving does not mean stingy or living in poverty. In fact, this is about making smart choices so that life is according to your ability and free from debt bondage. This concept is basically wise and thorough in using our resources.

Thus frugal living is not about stingy or shortcoming, but about understanding and control over expenses. People who practice this lifestyle do not mean they are unable to buy some of the items they want, but they are more sorting out to allocate their money wisely for things that really mean.

Frugal living lifestyle is a lifestyle that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. The Prophet SAW teaches a simple, balanced, and not excessive lifestyle so that it is worthy of being imitated by today's Muslims. The frugal lifestyle tries to be grateful for the blessings of Allah SWT no matter how small it is. Frugal lifestyle has many benefits and lessons. Not only physical benefits also provide a sense of calm for the soul and adequacy.

Islam teaches its adherents to behave zuhud. Is zuhud's behavior the same as frugal? True, if you pay attention, the term zuhud means leaving something behind. That is, the behavior of zuhud seeks to leave something busy with the world and to focus on the goal of the afterlife. Zuhud's attitude does not mean making a person leave the life of the world, but makes life in the world as wasilah to a more eternal life in the hereafter. People who are zuhud do not mean they do not have wealth at all but make wealth as a way of benefit for many people.

Dail Al-Qur'an Regarding Frugal's Attitude

Dalil frugal is in the Qur'an Surah Al-Isra' paragraph 26, And give your rights to close relatives, also to the poor and people on the way; and do not waste (hartem) wastefully.(QS. Al-Isra: 26). Therefore, frugal or frugal attitudes are ordered by Allah

SWT to all humans to behave in a balanced manner and not to be excessive in using wealth.

Islam directs its people to be wise in spending wealth. Not only that, the Prophet ordered his people to have sufficient or rich wealth. Why? Because wealth in the hands of pious Muslims will provide great benefits for many people. Thus, the attitude of zuhud or frugal is the same as directing people to be simple, sufficient, wise, and more grateful. Therefore, the frugal attitude makes peace and comfort and cleans the soul from my moral behavior towards others.

Benefits of Frugal Living

There are various benefits that one gets when practicing frugal habits. First, have more savings for the future. Uncertainty of the future situation can be anticipated by having sufficient savings. Second, live a simple and compact life. By buying objects that are suitable for needs so that they are not twisted by managing many assets and do not provide benefits for their owners so that the time used is more efficient. Finally, provide a sense of peace of mind for those who carry it out.

In addition, you are advised to read: 8 Procedures for Eating and Drinking in Islam so that you can practice it.

So after knowing frugal living according to Islamic teachings, see other interesting news in VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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