Tips On Keeping Relationships Romantic Despite Distance
Tips On Relationships Remain Romantic Despite Distance (ImageShelby Deeter-Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Tips for relationships to remain romantic even though they are separated can be done with various things. Not only are you sure about each other, you must also be more patient because you are separated from your partner.

In pursuing a long distance relationship aka long distance relationship (LDR), there are indeed some obstacles. Starting from boredom to feelings of distrust of network.

Especially if the couple is in a different country, the difference in time may also limit communication between the two of you.

However, despite the various obstacles, this matter can be used as a challenge in relationships by practicing the following methods.

The following is the method of maintaining LDR's relationship with her boyfriend so that it is always lasting and harmonious, compiled from various sources.

1. Greet in the Morning and Evening

Saying goodbye to each other good morning and evening can also make the bond always harmonious. You can send him a good morning so he can start the day with fun.

After that, say goodbye to the night before you sleep at night. Not only that, you can also exchange news before saying goodbye.

2. Sending Emails or Postcards

Currently, we can easily send short messages or carry out video calls. However, there is nothing wrong with sending emails or postcards, as reported by Lifehack page.

Try sending him an email that contains the expression of your feelings all this time to him. Not only email, you can also send him a message or a postcard.

Handwritten will make messages or postcards feel more personal than short messages such as chat or SMS.

3. Give a surprise

To add color to the fabric, you can surprise your partner occasionally, as reported by Stanford Medicine.

The surprise that is interpreted as not necessarily a luxurious gift, You can do simple but impressive things, such as ordering favorite foods when your partner is busy working.

4. Tell The Truth

The method of maintaining long-distance relationships with the next boyfriend is to be honest. Try to say what you feel throughout long distance relationships, ask what he feels too.

You can tell each other what makes you happy, bored, or things that disturb each other. After that find a solution together.

5. Not talking too much

In LDR's relationship, the seriousness of communication is needed, but do not let it make you talk a lot about yourself.

Reporting from the Modern Love Long Distance page, a balance is needed between speaking and listening to each other. That way, no one of you feels neglected.

6. Visiting Each Other

The important thing in long-distance relationships is when you meet. Therefore, make time to visit each other.

Face-to-face is a method of strengthening relationships and of course the best method to release longing for each other.

7. Give each other time

Dating doesn't mean you and your partner don't have time for yourself. Make sure you have free time for each other.

This is important because each person also needs time to make himself happy with the activities you like. However, don't forget to tell your partner first.

You also need to learn the 5 Stages Through Each Couple in Romantic Relations.

So after knowing the relationship tips, it remains romantic even though they are separated from distance, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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