5 Benefits Of Water Reduction For Health, One Of Which Can Overcome Anxiety
Illustration of dredging water (photo: Freepik/Ikahilal)

YOGYAKARTA The benefits of dredging water for health are not just a myth. A number of studies show that cerai is a source rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds. This natural chemical compound is an effective antibacterial and anti-jamur agent.

In addition, the flavonoid compounds contained in the series also have anti-inflammatory and free radical (antioxidant) properties.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with drinking boiled water every day so that the benefits are more pronounced.

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, January 7, 2024, here are the benefits of boiled water for health that is not widely known:

1. Increase the number of red blood cells

According to a study conducted in 2015, consuming boiled water every day for 30 days can increase the concentration of hemoglobin, cell volume, and the number of red blood cells in the body.

The researchers conducted blood tests on 105 human subjects at the start of the study, and on the 10th and 30th days after the study. The results of the study show that drinking boiled water can increase the formation of red blood cells.

However, researchers cannot identify exactly how it is related to this. They argue that the antioxidant nature of the serial cooking water may play a role in increasing the number of blood cells in the body.

2. Overcoming the bloating

The next benefit of drinking boiled water is that it can have a diuretic effect. Drought water can stimulate the kidneys to secrete more urine than usual.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Renal Nutrition, air tembungan serai bisa meningkatkan keluaran urine lebih banyak dibandingkan minuman lainnya.

The effect of diuretic cooking water can be useful if the water retention causes a bloating stomach. This is a common symptom of syndrome prestructure (PMS).

3. Eliminating inflammation

The above has been mentioned that serial cooking water contains flavonoids that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Flavonoids in the series are called quercetin.

Quercetin content at a time can reduce inflammation or inflammation, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and prevent heart disease.

4. Eliminating anxiety

Citing Medical News Today, serial water can actually reduce anxiety when taken regularly every day.

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di Pusat Kaker Memorial Sloan Kettering, ada hubungan antara mengenai aroma serai dengan kondisi kecemasan seseorang. Kendati demikian, masih butuh banyak bukti untuk bisa memastikan manfaat air yangcokan serai yang satu ini.

5. Maintain the health of teeth and mouth

Di berbagai negara yang memiliki tanaman asli serai, orang-orang akan menghal batang seri untuk menjaga kesehatan bicara dan mulut.

The alleged benefit of this series has been confirmed through a study published in the Journal of Food Chemistry. In the journal, it is said that serial extract can inhibit the growth of siuinis Streptococcus bacteria which can cause cavities.

This is information about the benefits of boiled water for health. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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