What Is Chicken Mindset: Here's An Explanation And Solution
What Is Chicken Mindset? (Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - No one wants to live in poverty and fail. Of course, most people struggle hard to be successful. But have you ever heard the term chicken mindset?

It's not wrong, everyone definitely wants to achieve success and no one wants to face failure. Success is relative, but failure is absolute.

What Is Chicken Mindset?

But from this failure, you need to get up and don't have a chicken mindset. The reason is that the Chicken mindset here means, people who think they want to be successful, but they don't want to put in all their efforts properly. This means that you complain and are afraid more than you are willing to try or act.

Everyone's mindset is certainly different, but there are some aspects that are the same in the minds of successful people and it's certainly not a chicken mindset. Here's the mindset of successful people:

How to Avoid Chicken Mindset?

1. Have a clear vision or goal

When most people are asked what they want in life and why do they want to work so hard? Those who have a chicken mindset will not automatically give reasons. They will think first before responding, and generally the answer is also classic, such as "to meet life's needs."

But this is different from successful people who have a positive mindset, they will give clear and specific answers, and will explain non-stop and without thinking too long.

2. Have Great Responsibility

People who have a chicken mindset generally tend to burden others and blame themselves for their mistakes. On the other hand, successful people will take on all the responsibilities they feel they can carry out. With every responsibility taken, there are bound to be effects that occur.

Successful people will learn more often to overcome every problem that arises. In his mind he always implanted words like this, "I am in control of myself and I am also the one who makes things happen if what is done doesn't happen by itself." So, stay positive and optimistic.

3. Want to grow and develop

When everyone is worried about running out of what they have, successful people will think differently. They instead think about getting something more for themselves. Well, this is one of the reasons why rich people will continue to become rich, namely because they focus on their own development.

Not only that, they also want to grow and not be stuck in one place. Those who have a chicken mindset tend to be worried about growing and developing, because they think they will lose if they have to invest, for example, and always feel that they have had enough of their achievements.

4. Respect Yourself

Successful people always make a dominant commitment to themselves rather than others. This is one thing that has to do with following everything you say, it will make you reliable. Unlike those who have a chicken mindset, the majority make commitments by deceiving themselves.

5. Be a positive person and be willing to try

This is the biggest aspect of thinking/mindset that successful people must have. If you experience failure, you must have the skills to get up again and keep trying until you succeed. Those who have a chicken mindset tend to be pessimistic and think negatively that the results will not make things better, let alone make things worse. In successful people's minds, their lives will be better if they continue to think positively and are happy.

So after knowing what a chicken mindset is, check out other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize the news!

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