JAKARTA - Sarwendah often shares moments when she is cooking for her family.

He often shows this moment through his personal social media accounts.

He admitted that he was very happy to cook, but sometimes there were also moments when he served food outside the house.

Seeing this, Sarwendah doesn't care about people's views regarding their preferences in hunting for food just because they are public figures.

"People like a lot of people who ask questions, especially if a public figure but if I don't want it because I'm a public figure, it reduces my hobbies, so I'm just ignorant if people say that food is delicious, I'll try it," said Sarwendah in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Friday, October 27.

Because she really likes culinary, Sarwendah tells of storing kitchen spices in her car.

He did this when he was busy hitting, which made Ruben Onsu's wife not have time to eat.

"I have to stay in the car, there is a table, make me put the spices. Sometimes if I don't eat, I eat in the car. That's a unique time, because not everyone in the car has spices. For me, it's complete in the car," he explained.

Not only spices, understanding the preference of his family's food, Sarwendah is willing to bring a rice cooker in the car so that his family can eat according to their favorite food.

"Oh, it has to be. Father and Onyo can't eat European food. Japanese food doesn't really like it, because rice is different. Japanese rice is really a bit soft, right. Father and Onyo just like Indonesian rice, which is delicious like that," added Sarwendah.

"So you really have to bring rice cookers and Indonesian foods for traveling. Before leaving, I usually cook first, prepare first," he said.

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