JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the South Jakarta Religious Court (PA) granted Aldilla Jelita's divorce suit against Indra Bekti on Monday, April 17. That way, both of them were officially divorced.

However, Milano Lubis as Indra Bekti's attorney said that his client's communication with the woman who is familiarly called Dihila is still fine until now.

Milano menyampaikan bahwa kliennya yang kini tinggal terpisah dengan Dhila dan anak-anaknya akan berkumpul kembali saat perayaan Lebaran.

"Iya (Lebaran bersama), boleh ketemu anak-anak kok, bisa bersama-samaeng. Rencananya (Lebaran bersama), doain saja yang terbaik," ujar Milano Lubis di Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan pada Senin, 17 April.

Furthermore, said Milano, the two sides of the family, both from Bekti and Dhila, are still in good communication until now. The lawyer said that all of this was done for the sake of his two young client's children, Dafania Sahira Indrabekti and Anabell

"Because this is about children. Why is this all right, that's so that the children don't get disturbed psychologically. To keep feeling that their father is still present, they still give love to their children," Milano said.

"So Dhila herself doesn't have to limit Bekti from meeting her children," he continued.

Milano also ensured that his client could still meet the children at any time. He said that the agreement between Bekti and Dhila regarding children had been agreed between the two parties, even before the divorce suit was granted.

The rules of the game don't exist, Bekti is free whenever she wants. But yes, come back again, depending on the schedule of the children. Don't disturb the schedule. If you're busy, it means you can't meet the children," concluded Milano Lubis, Indra Bekti's attorney.

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