7 Tips For Maintaining Body Health Ahead Of Ramadan Fasting
Illustration of tips ahead of fasting (Freepik/fabrikasimf)

YOGYAKARTA A blessed month filled with compassion and fasting, the month of Ramadan will soon arrive. Fasting, which must endure thirst and hunger from dawn to sunset. Fasting requires a fit and fit body to always be able to carry out activities during it. Launching from various sources, here are tips for maintaining health ahead of Ramadan fasting.

According to hepatologist Nizar Zein, MD., in the medical literature fasting can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol, and support weight loss. Reported by Cleveland Clinic, Friday, March 17, there are also theories that show that regular fasting can improve brain function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Well, if you want to get maximum benefits both physically and spiritually, here are the suggestions of doctor Zein that needs to be prepared before fasting.

Reducing food and drinking gradually for a few days before fasting helps fasting more easily in the future. Because if you suddenly do fasting, it can surprise the body especially for those of you who are not used to fasting.

"Don't eat three times a day full of snacks between meals and then suddenly stop eating one day," said doctor Zein.

If your body is used to refueling on a status basis, it may be difficult to maintain energy levels during fasting. Also maintain low sugar intake towards fasting.

If possible, you need to reduce the intensity of your activity. Add Zein, doing intense exercise when not eating and drinking is not a good idea. This means that you need to plan to replenish nutrition for a while or allocate energy for important daily activities.

Ahead of fasting, you should check your overall health. Talk to your doctor about how to take medication, if you have to take regular medication. Because some drugs have to be taken by eating, if you fast it is necessary to ensure technical advice in taking regular medication.

When breaking the fast, it needs to be understood, you need to refill the calories in stages. Instead of eating calories directly and excessively. It is better to arrange two hours of eating calorie foods to avoid changes in blood sugar. Significant and fast blood sugar mixtures will have a tiring effect on the body so that they cannot carry out activities except lying down.

As explained above, start adjusting your meal hours. If it's usually full three times a day, try cutting it gradually. Between meal times, avoid snacking. Reported by Al Arabiya, you need to start getting used to being able to eat and drink at night or between breaking the fast to Imsak.

If you are coffee lovers and don't want headaches during the first few days of Ramadan, start reducing your caffeine intake now. Switch to caffeineless coffee, or drink a day and a cup, then stop it altogether.

If you usually sleep late at night and wake up late, start setting up your sleep from now on. Because during Ramadan you will wake up early for dawn. This means you may also sleep early. Alternatively, take a little longer nap time. Whatever your sleeping habits choose, start setting them up from now on.

Those are tips for maintaining body health ahead of Ramadan fasting. For some people, fasting is safe to do. But for some people with certain health conditions it is necessary to consult medical personnel or nutritionists.

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