YOGYAKARTA - Many parents are worried about the shake baby syndrome. What is a shake baby syndrome? This term is used to mention the condition of a baby who has a serious brain injury due to strong and strong shocks.

Often parents who like to shake their babies with strong movements. Whereas if it is done excessively then it can shake the baby until it causes a baby syndrome shake. This condition is very dangerous for children because it can cause serious brain damage.

Shake baby syndrome is a condition when children suffer serious brain injuries caused by strong shaking. Children who are still babies are very prone to this because their brains are still soft. In addition, their necks are still weak and their blood vessels are still smooth.

Shake baby syndrome is a form of torture in children. The brain of a child who is still weak can be damaged by collisions and shocks. The collision in the baby's brain triggers bruises on the brain, bleeding in the brain, and brain swelling.

This syndrome often occurs in children under the age of 2 years. However, it can also be affected in children aged up to 5 years. Most of these cases were experienced by babies aged 6 to 8 weeks.

There are a number of symptoms experienced by children who suffer from shake baby syndrome. Here are a number of signs or symptoms. If you see this in your child, immediately take treatment and treatment steps.

The severe shake baby syndrome case will cause some serious illness above. In addition, if it is even more severe and not resolved, it can cause the baby to die.

Although sometimes there are bruises on the face, you may not see any signs of physical injuries on the outside of the child's body. Possible indirect injuries include bleeding in the brain and eyes, spinal cord damage, as well as broken ribs, skull, legs, and other bones. Many children with shocked baby syndrome show signs and symptoms of previous child abuse.

In the case of mild shocked baby syndrome, a child may seem normal after being shaken, but over time they can experience health or behavioral problems.

There are a number of things that increase the risk of children experiencing shake baby syndrome. Here are some things that are prone to making children hit by shake baby syndrome.

Demikianlah penjelasan apa itu shake baby syndrome serta gelasi dan hal-hal yang berisiko mengakibatkan hal itu. Berinteraksi dengan bayi memang funus dan menyenangkan. Namun orang tua perlu berhati-hati saat merawat bayi menggetat tubuhnya belum tumbuh sempurna.

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