JAKARTA - After a period of easing, the relationship between Mawar AFI and her ex-husband, Steno Ricardo, is strained again. In addition, the upload of Steno's latest wife, Susi, has also become a conversation.

Mawar uploaded a recent conversation with Steno. In the message, Steno explained that he was undergoing semi-taaruf.

"The decision 'okay I'm getting married' was long after the iddah period ended. And actually, this is semi-ta'aruf," said Steno Ricardo.

He explained that the taaruf process had been carried out after discussions with psychologists and religious teachers. Steno also mentioned he allowed the children to find new partners.

"Honestly this is by request from the children, especially Mireya and Arayi," explained Steno Ricardo.

"Tell me who your religious teacher is and also the psychologist who suggested you marry that person," answered Mawar AFI.

On the other hand, Susi, the former babysitter of Mawar and Steno, did not say much. But he was seen uploading his wedding photo with a photo caption.

“If the Almighty has willed, it will happen. Even the leaves fall by the will of the Almighty," wrote Susi.

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